30 Eylül 2010 Perşembe

Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions


Der Partner für Ihre Branche heißt Microsoft: Starten Sie mit den Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions durch

Jedes Unternehmen hat seine Eigenheiten, jede Branche ihre spezifischen Herausforderungen. Eine Unternehmenssoftware muss diese Unterschiede abbilden können, denn nur so können Sie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Ihres Unternehmens langfristig stärken, den Vorsprung vor Mitbewerbern bewahren und Ihren Kundenservice konstant auf einem hohen Niveau halten.

Was Sie auch vorhaben: Microsoft unterstützt Sie mit individuellen Lösungen, die auf Microsoft Dynamics AX basieren und im Rahmen einer dezidierten Brancheninitiative entwickelt wurden.

Die Branchenlösungen, genannt Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions, erfüllen strenge Qualitätsanforderungen und folgen den bei Microsoft entwickelten Best Practices. Bei uns bekommen Sie alles aus einer Hand: Sie kaufen die Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions-Lösungen direkt über Microsoft Dynamics und haben damit automatisch Anspruch auf alle Leistungen und Vorteile aus dem Microsoft Support-Angebot.

Überblick über die Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions:

Derzeit stehen mit Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions sechs Branchenlösungen zur Verfügung, die unterschiedliche Anforderungen abdecken:

Consumer Driven Planning

    Gehen Sie neue Wege im Vertrieb: Nutzen Sie Consumer Driven Planning für Microsoft Dynamics AX, um Ihre Absatzplanung zu optimieren und Ihre Lieferkette besser zu steuern.

Field Services

    Näher am Kunden mit einem perfekten Service: Mit Field Services für Microsoft Dynamics AX verwandeln Sie Ihren Kundenservice in einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil.

Industrial Equipment Manufacturing

    Auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Hebel, um Ihre Produktion zu optimieren? Gestalten Sie Ihre Fertigungsprozesse mit Industrial Equipment Manufacturing für Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Process Industries

    Durch Integration dem Wettbewerb immer eine Nasenlänge voraus: Integrieren Sie mit Process Industries für Microsoft Dynamics AX Ihre Abläufe in Verkauf und Vertrieb, Produktion, Lager, Qualitätssicherung und Kundenservice über den gesamten Zyklus des Herstellungsprozesses.

Professional Services

    Wie Sie mit Consulting punkten: Steuern Sie mit Professional Services für Microsoft Dynamics AX alle wesentlichen finanz-, personen- und wissensbezogenen Aspekte Ihrer Projekt- und Beratungsarbeit.

Retail Chain Manager

    So handeln Sie sich zufriedene Kunden ein: Optimieren Sie mit Retail Chain Manager für Microsoft Dynamics AX Ihre Geschäftsprozesse im Handel und profitieren Sie von einer umfassenden Verwaltung Ihrer Produkte, Abläufe und Kundenbeziehungen.

...und das sind Ihre Vorteile mit den Microsoft Dynamics Industry Solutions

Rasche Implementierung

Da die MDIS-Branchenlösungen bereits im Standard ein breit gefächertes Spektrum der Funktionalitäten Ihrer Branche enthalten, reduziert sich für Sie die Implementierungszeit Ihrer ERP-Software. Sie als Kunde haben den Kopf frei und können sich auf die individuellen Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens konzentrieren. Und sobald eine neue Version der Branchenlösung auf den Markt kommt, haben Sie dank der Supportvereinbarung mit Microsoft automatisch Anspruch auf alle Funktionserweiterungen und -verbesserungen.

Neueste Technologien

Der Ansatz von Microsoft ist es, dass Sie als Kunde eine vollständig integrierte und technologisch innovative Unternehmenslösung für Ihre grundlegenden Geschäftsanforderungen erhalten. Sie können Ihre Branchenlösung jederzeit um leistungsfähige Funktionalitäten erweitern und damit speziellere oder geänderte Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens abbilden. Mit einer derart maßgeschneiderten Lösung verschaffen Sie sich wesentliche Wettbewerbsvorteile und steigern Ihren Unternehmenserfolg.

Alle Entwicklungsprozesse für die Komponenten Ihrer Lösung werden eng aufeinander abgestimmt, sodass Sie auch künftig stets von den neuesten Technologien profitieren. Microsoft legt dabei ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Upgrade-Fähigkeit der Microsoft Dynamics Industry Solutions. Diese wird gewährleistet durch:

Skripts für Datenbankupgrades Detaillierte Auflistung aller veränderten Objekte und Prozeduren Dokumentation aller Integrationspunkte mit der Standardanwendung von Microsoft Dynamics AX

www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX / NAV Partner

İşletmeniz 2011 Yılına Hazır mı?


Dünyanın en büyük şirketlerinin birçoğu geride bıraktığımız yüzyılın sonlarında kuruldu. Üründe, hizmette ve işte farklı düşünmeleri, fark yaratmaları onları kısa sürede zirveye çıkardı. Yeni dünya düzeninde zirveye çıkmak için artık gelenekselden ayrılmak, oyunun kurallarında özgürce değişiklikler yapmak yeterli olabiliyor.

Yeni dünya düzeninde işletmelerin ayakta kalabilmelerinin yegane koşulu işletmeyi tam olarak analiz edebilme yetisinin olması ve simule edilmiş büyüme planları ile hareket edebilmeyi sağlamaktan geçmektedir.

Bu tarz yapılanmalarda yer alan işletmelerin büyük bir çoğunluğu departmanlar, birimler, şirketler, iş ortakları, müşteriler ve nihayetinde tedarikçiler arasında entegre edilmiş sistemler kullarak bütünü görebilmişlerdir.

2011 yılında yapmayı düşündüğünüz yeniliklere uyum sağlayacak bir altyapıyı bugünden kurmaya ne dersiniz. Planlamış olduğunuz çalışmaları koordine etmek ve yönetmek noktasında en büyük yardımcınız olacak ERP sistemine, bu yıl içinde geçmeniz; size kontrolü, uygulaması ve sonuçları daha net ortaya koyacak bir altyapıyı sağlamış olacaktır.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ve AX çözümleri ile işletmeniz tam da sizin istediğiniz gibi işleyecek.

Şirketinize bu şansı verin. Pargesoft iş ortağı olarak yanınızda olacaktır.


www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics ERP Çözüm Ortağı

24 Eylül 2010 Cuma


Coming Soon.. Elementa for Pargesoft...

Elementa.. Çok Yakında Geliyor

à Venir… Elementa

Muy Pronto… Elementa

قريبا Elementa

13 Eylül 2010 Pazartesi

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Case Studies. Canari Cyclewear

Cycling-Gear Manufacturer Improves Operations and Planning with New Business Software

Canari Cyclewear is a fast-growing manufacturer of cycling gear based in San Diego, California. The company needed a flexible and full-featured enterprise resource planning system to efficiently handle double-digit annual growth, especially in the area of inventory management and forecasting. After consultation with Microsoft Certified Partner OfficeOps, Canari Cyclewear chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV because of the solution's ability to streamline processes within the company and with supply chain partners. Canari Cyclewear can now more reliably plan future inventory requirements and has cut lead times for customer orders by as much as 60 percent.
“Whereas our planning process previously involved a lot of guesswork, we now have instant insight into what is available and can investigate historical trends to better gauge demand.“

Chris Robinson, Chief Operating Officer, Canari Cyclewear
Business Needs Canari Cyclewear manufactures top-of-the-line cycling gear that is resold by independent bike shops and large sporting-goods retailers around the world. The company also sells custom gear to professional and semiprofessional cycling teams. From 2005 to 2008, the company saw sustained double-digit growth in sales, which put pressure on the company to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its inventory management and reporting systems.
“We were using a DOS-based system and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to keep track of orders and roughly $5 million worth of inventory and to try and forecast demand,” explains Chris Robinson, Chief Operating Officer at Canari Cyclewear. “This method required us to manually collect and enter data. Overall, the process was tedious and prone to error, especially because some part numbers exceeded 50 characters.”
As Canari Cyclewear grew its sales, the company struggled to stay responsive to customer demands. “Our larger competitors can ask customers to prebook their orders, which gives them greater visibility into future production requirements,” explains Robinson. “We don’t have that luxury, and it puts pressure on us to manage our inventory well. We need to know what our demand is, what we have on hand, and what is forecasted on a SKU level.”
To find a solution, Canari Cyclewear began interviewing local business technology companies. “Many of the companies we talked to seemed more interested in selling us software than getting to know our business and helping us solve our problems,” says Robinson.
After evaluating more than 10 software solutions, Canari Cyclewear chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Certified Partner OfficeOps. “We chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV because it addressed our inventory management needs and is flexible and full-featured enough to meet our needs in the future,” says Robinson.
Canari Cyclewear appreciated the consultative approach that OfficeOps used during their initial discussions, which indicated the partner was willing to take the time to understand Canari Cyclewear’s unique business challenges and recommend the best solution. For example, OfficeOps offered pragmatic advice on how to handle Canari Cyclewear’s custom-order business, which can involve up to 20 documents for one order.
“Our custom-order business is very complex and today makes up only about 10 percent of our sales,” says Robinson. “However, we would like to see this segment grow to 30 percent of sales and wanted to streamline processes to accommodate that increase. OfficeOps suggested that we implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV for our core business and then tackle the custom-order side. We followed that advice and can see in retrospect that it saved us from a lot of potential difficulties.” After Canari Cyclewear finished implementing the solution for its core business, the company tapped OfficeOps to extend the solution for its custom-order business.

The solution that Canari Cyclewear and OfficeOps implemented makes inventory information instantly available to employees so that they can view stock levels by style, color, and size. Each employee has a unique view of functionality and information based on their role in the company. The solution links to other business software to eliminate duplicate data entry and automatically pull in information from supply chain partners.
Now, employees no longer need to enter information from invoices into the system by hand, for instance. Canari Cyclewear uses Microsoft Dynamics NAV to make manual processes, such as documentation and warehouse management tasks, easier. For example, instead of filling out packing labels by hand, employees can print import/export documentation and shipping labels that conform to customer requirements.
Managers at Canari Cyclewear use Microsoft Dynamics NAV to identify sales trends by style, gender, selling region, product type, and other attributes that the company decides to track. And, because Microsoft Dynamics NAV works well with Excel, managers can view and analyze data in spreadsheets with only a few clicks of a mouse.
Canari Cyclewear enjoys greater insight into available inventory and future demand and no longer relies on time-consuming and error-prone manual processes for common tasks like entering sales orders and producing reports.
More Efficient Demand Planning
With detailed reporting available through Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Canari Cyclewear can more accurately predict future demand. “Whereas our planning process previously involved a lot of guesswork, we now have instant insight into what is available and can investigate historical trends to better gauge demand,” says Robinson. “We can better align our inventory with demand, which lets us reduce our stock levels for some categories by as much as 30 percent and reinvest those resources in products that are selling well.”
Lead Times Cut by 60 Percent
Canari Cyclewear’s warehouse operations are much more efficient with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. “If a large order comes in on Monday, we can usually ship it on Thursday,” says Robinson. “Before, it would have taken another week. This not only improves our image with customers but also gives our product more time on retail shelves.”
Reliable Technology and Partner
Robinson and other leaders at Canari Cyclewear feel confident that Microsoft Dynamics NAV will support future growth and are happy with OfficeOps as their partner. “We chose Microsoft Dynamics NAV, in part, because of the people at OfficeOps,” says Robinson. “They were interested in more than just the initial sale and were genuinely concerned about solving our problems. And, they’ve done a good job of providing us with the training and insight we need to be self-sufficient in using the solution.”
Organization Profile
Based in San Diego, California, with 80 employees, Canari Cyclewear makes premium clothes and accessories for cyclists around the world.
Software and Services
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Vertical Industries
apparel retailing
United States
http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV Global Partner