31 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

Microsoft Dynamics: soluzioni gestionali per l'azienda

DynamicsERP Le soluzioni software per il business cercano, sempre più, di offrire funzionalità avanzate ed elevata flessibilità a costi contenuti: questo è ciò che chiedono le aziende e questo è l’obiettivo di Microsoft nello sviluppo di nuovi applicativi software per le imprese. Il portafoglio di prodotti per le aziende, Microsoft Dynamics, assicura questo tipo flessibilità colmando il gap tra il mondo del software collaborativo e il mondo transazionale delle applicazioni aziendali.
Sei scenari di innovazione
Il software gestionale Microsoft ha l’obiettivo di rispecchiare il modello di business delle aziende, grazie a una progettazione delle applicazioni incentrata sulle persone e i processi per adattare il software in modo semplice e conveniente quando si verificano cambiamenti nell’organizzazione o nei processi di business.
La progettazione delle applicazioni Microsoft Dynamics è basata su sei grandi temi:

Maggiore controllo per gli utenti.
La completa integrazione tra la piattaforma Microsoft e le applicazioni di gestione aziendale garantisce ai dipendenti più tempo per concentrarsi sulle attività strategiche per cui non è necessario l’utilizzo di software. Un’applicazione aziendale efficace deve supportare in modo integrato i processi e le diverse tipologie di attività che ne dipendono. Le informazioni di business acquisite tramite questi programmi si integrano completamente con le applicazioni per la produttività personale, consentendo a team e dipendenti di creare con la massima facilità report, preventivi e fogli di lavoro utili e accurati.

Supporto alla capacità decisionale
L’esigenza espressa più di frequente dagli utenti di applicazioni aziendali è quella di ottenere le informazioni giuste al momento giusto. L’impegno di Microsoft è offrire applicazioni in grado di supportare la capacità decisionale per tutti gli utenti, indipendentemente dal ruolo che svolgono in azienda. L’identificazione delle informazioni che non rientrano nelle soglie preimpostate consente agli utenti di lavorare in modo più efficace.

Le aziende devono poter eseguire transazioni in formato elettronico con i propri clienti e fornitori in modo efficiente, personalizzato e conveniente. Il settore del software sta manifestando un grande interesse nei confronti degli standard emergenti per i Web service, un insieme di tecnologie per lo scambio di documenti in formato elettronico e l’integrazione delle applicazioni via Internet. Per le applicazioni aziendali questo significa principalmente scambio di dati tra sistemi eterogenei.

Processi adattivi.

Le aziende richiedono soluzioni progettate in base a processi adattivi, che siano in grado di cambiare ed evolversi di pari passo con le attività di business. Questi processi includono un approccio basato su modelli in cui il comportamento del sistema è determinato da metadati centralizzati, strumenti di modellazione visiva, un motore per il coordinamento dei processi e una logica applicativa implementata in componenti configurabili.

Costo di gestione dei sistemi.

Le organizzazioni chiedono soluzioni caratterizzate da un Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) ben definito, che renda semplici e convenienti la valutazione, l’acquisto, la configurazione, lo sviluppo e la manutenzione del sistema. Tutte queste fasi devono risultare parte integrante del prodotto. L’applicazione richiede caratteristiche di “riconfigurabilità gestibile” che permettano di conservare le personalizzazioni anche dopo l’installazione degli ultimi service pack e aggiornamenti del sistema.

Certezze sui “fondamentali”.

Le aziende si aspettano che i propri sistemi abbiano caratteristiche mission-critical, che siano operativi 24 ore su 24, oltre a facilmente personalizzabili e configurabili. Inoltre, soprattutto le piccole e medie aziende, si aspettano che la potenza delle applicazioni aziendali non implichi un ulteriore livello di complessità e la necessità di dedicare un team alla loro manutenzione.

http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics ERP Global Partner

29 Mart 2010 Pazartesi

Microsoft Dynamics CRM – Social Networking

Social Networking for Sales Social networking also promises significant benefits for sales organizations by providing them with new ways to find, connect with, and understand their customers. Despite the opportunities, some uncertainty remains towards social networking in many sales organizations. Cautious or more established salespeople may view social networking as an unproven channel that takes them away from “core sales activities.” But for every hesitant salesperson there is a hungry and resourceful one that is looking for the next competitive advantage. Increasingly, sales organizations are realizing the benefits of incorporating social networking into their traditional sales processes.

Find and connect with new prospects
In sales the hunt is always on for the next deal, and social networks provide a rich prospecting resource. Unlike traditional channels, social networks provide the added benefit of allowing a salesperson to gauge a prospect’s interest through their online profile before communication is initiated. For example, if done respectfully and in accordance with the terms of service for each social networking site used, prospects will often be more receptive when approached informally or through a common contact on a relevant subject than they would to a cold call. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides key capabilities to help sales organizations gauge interest and find prospects by:

- Tapping into social networking contacts to jumpstart “warm” lead generation efforts.
- Identifying prospects by focusing on conversations and topics relevant to the product or service.
- Better measuring the online influence of each contact based on follower counts and postings.
- Leveraging online career information to better understand the contact or decision maker.

Engage in more meaningful conversations
While they will not replace traditional relationship-building activities, social networks do provide sales organizations with a new tool to build and enhance relationships with prospects or customers. With the ability to quickly identify and integrate key online data points with the main customer data repository, salespeople can engage prospects and customers with all the relevant information at their fingertips. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help sales organizations engage in more relevant conversations by:

- Engaging in online discussions with prospects and customers right within the core sales force automation solution.
- Viewing social networking conversation history within the customer system of record.
- Instantly seeing a social networking profile for each contact for a more holistic customer view.
- Effortlessly creating new contacts in Microsoft Dynamics CRM from social networking contacts.
- Easily creating an opportunity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM directly from social networking sites.

Better understand your customers
Social networking sites can also provide a wealth of information about customers and their interests, lifestyles, and attitudes–data that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to acquire. Paired with the right analysis capabilities, publicly available customer data from social networking sites can provide an additional layer of insight into customer preferences, behaviors, and sentiment, which can lead to more successful sales interactions.
The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help sales organizations better understand customer attitudes and interests by:

- Leveraging interests and discussion threads for more relevant conversations.
- Sorting incoming messages by account, status, and other criteria for greater relevancy.
- Analyzing interests and discussion threads to hone in on key trends.
- Better tracking relevant professional events such as job changes and promotions.
- Leveraging out-of-box reports to identify chief online champions and influencers.

Social Networking for Customer Service
Increasingly, customers are using social networks as an important channel to find, receive, and communicate information about the products and services they use. This change in customer behavior creates both opportunities and challenges for customer service organizations. Social customers expect service delivered through their channel of choice, often with a personal touch. And they are certainly not afraid to express their views or displeasure. Social networks provide a rich source of unfiltered feedback and a dialogue that can be invaluable in identifying service issues and spotting opportunities for product improvement. Thus, used correctly, social networking channels can help customer service organizations be more effective and create value for the business. In addition, social networks provide an interaction channel that not only helps remove perceived barriers between customers and companies, but may also reduce the cost of service. However, when all is said and done, social networking is another communication channel and something that should not be done in a vacuum. It needs to be embedded in the everyday processes of customer service organizations and delivered in a consistent manner for the true benefits to be realized.

Create an early warning system for product issues
One often mentioned observation about social customers is that they aren’t shy about sharing their experiences online. Tracked and harnessed, these opinions and views can provide a valuable early warning system for organizations and help them identify emerging problems or zero in on the top issues for a particular product. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help customer service organizations better monitor and identify customer issues within Microsoft Dynamics CRM by:

- Proactively monitoring social networks for key words, complaints, and issues relating to a brand.
- Monitoring chronic complainers to identify top potential service issues.
- Seeing social networking conversation history right within the customer system of record.
- Tracking the number of influencers and followers of a given topic or issue.

Provide efficient multi-channel service By the very nature of its opt-in and shared interest structure, social networking can help customer service organizations address customer issues in a highly efficient manner. As these customers turn to social networking sites for help, organizations have the opportunity to help them en masse, for example, by posting information in relevant communities or providing self-help capabilities through the Web. This in turn can reduce call volumes and has the additional benefit of increasing satisfaction among the growing mass of customers who expect this kind of service. A report by DMG Consulting, a leading call center consultancy, shows new and emerging channels can help service organizations increase service coverage and reduce call volumes at a relatively moderate cost (Fluss, 2009).
The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help service organizations better address customer needs by:

- Making knowledge base articles publicly searchable so savvy customers can find information themselves without burdening the contact center.
- Addressing new issues by posting a response online quickly and automatically tracking responses.
- Leveraging the power of community-driven support as an additional channel.
- Instantly creating a case in Microsoft Dynamics CRM from online conversations and addressing the case through an established problem resolution process.

Tap into new feedback channels
Social networking sites enable organizations to track service issues in more places, thereby gathering more intelligence on their products and on customer experiences with them. With social networking, customer service organizations have an opportunity to leverage unfiltered feedback to drive business improvement. For example, user communities may provide the first public feedback on a new product release, or usability hiccups may appear as an increase in user questions posted online. This kind of information can help customer service organizations create a valuable feedback loop, helping them improve the business while at the same time improving customer satisfaction. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help service organization analyze and better leverage customer feedback right within Microsoft Dynamics CRM by:

- Tracking feedback by monitoring and participating in customer communities.
- Identifying the most talked-about issues and using them for improvement in products and services.
- Creating a mechanism to elicit feedback from customers and creating an idea repository.
- Conducting aggregate analysis and identifying key customer service trends and patterns.

Technology Requirements
Social networking, in combination with customer relationship management, can enhance an organization’s marketing, sales, and service efforts. But to take advantage of social networks in a way that is consistent, sustainable, and open to analysis, organizations need customer management solutions that provide the right capabilities. By investing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, companies receive:

- A holistic CRM suite with robust marketing, sales, and customer service capabilities for easy sharing of information and a 360-degree customer view.
- A familiar and easy-to-use interface through the native Microsoft Office Outlook® client for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
- Seamless integration to key social networking sites, allowing Microsoft Dynamics CRM users to directly track and leverage data and relationships from them.
- Insightful analysis capabilities that enable organizations to capture and make sense of customer data.
- Robust workflow capabilities that can be used to capture and automate business processes.
- A CRM application built on a flexible service-oriented-architecture (SOA), providing a scalable and highly flexible infrastructure for innovation.
- An extensible data model that supports traditional CRM, but also provides the flexibility to address changing customer paradigms and new business models.
- Ease of customization that enables organizations to tailor the solution to their unique business needs.

The surging popularity of social networking sites is indisputable. Yet many organizations still struggle to translate it into real business benefits. By acquiring tools that let them manage their social networking initiatives alongside traditional marketing, sales, and service activities, organizations can take advantage of social networking without losing focus on their core business. Ultimately, success will lie with those businesses that can integrate social networking’s wealth of customer data, unfiltered feedback, and informal conversations into existing customer management initiatives and processes. Microsoft helps our customers achieve this goal through the Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This solution equips organizations with the capabilities to better listen, respond, and analyze social network activities. By applying that insight, Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows organizations to better integrate this emerging channel into existing business processes for a more holistic and effective customer management approach—something that will continue to be paramount for success.

For More Information
For more information about the Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, see http://crm.dynamics.com/
http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX CRM NAV Global Partner

CRM and Social Networking – Microsoft Dynamics CRM

The Intersection of Social Networking and CRM
What does social networking have to do with CRM? At the heart of any business are customers, and social networking represents an opportunity to build even more mutually rewarding and candid relationships with those customers. But for organizations to realize tangible business benefits, they need to better plan, manage, and measure their social networking efforts. This is precisely where CRM intersects with social networking.

Adam Sarner, Gartner analyst, contends that in social networking, “CRM is where you are going to see the ROI in the business model as opposed to anywhere else. It’s all about connecting and engaging in new ways with customers,” (McKay 2009). This isn’t surprising. Customers using social networks want meaningful engagement with companies. And businesses want a way to manage and measure their forays in social networking. When social networks and CRM work together well, businesses gain the ability to better listen to customer conversations and engage social customers on their own terms while managing and measuring their efforts to do so. Social networks, by bringing in otherwise untapped and unmanaged online conversations, also help organizations get closer to a true 360-degree view of the customer so they can further optimize their marketing, sales, and customer service efforts.

A combined strategy for richer customer interactions
The combination of social networking and CRM provides an enormous opportunity to enrich customer interactions and give businesses a way to manage and measure how they use social networking while successfully engaging social customers. A Gartner Research report calls social networking a “disruptive influence” on the CRM market, challenging companies to innovate and adjust (Metz, 2008). There are, however, some basic strategies that can help organizations better leverage social networking as part of their overall customer management strategy:

- Treat social networking as a new channel within CRM. Many companies already use CRM solutions to manage customers, contacts, interactions, and communications, so it makes sense to continue to use customer management tools when these activities move into social networking channels.

- Enhance and extend CRM through social networking. While social networking activities can be considered as an additional channel in CRM, they also extend and enhance the capabilities of CRM with new ways of engaging customers and managing conversations.

- Play to the strengths of both CRM and social networks. Use CRM and social networking sites together to better listen to customers, analyze information, and respond to customers in a way that’s meaningful to them.
Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics® CRM In order to help businesses implement these strategies, Microsoft offers the Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Accelerators for Microsoft Dynamics CRM are add-on modules developed to address specific business needs. The Social Networking Accelerator allows Microsoft Dynamics CRM users to discover online conversations, identify influential people, and engage with them on social networking sites using their customer system of record—Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Additionally, the Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM includes the same easy-to-use interface and industry leading analytics that allow organizations not only to capture data but also make sense of it. With the Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, marketing professionals can identify their most influential advocates and better manage the brand. Sales professionals can discover new leads and zero in on key data points, and customer service agents can proactively identify and address issues.

Social Networking for Marketing
Perhaps the biggest benefactor of social networking is the marketer. Social networking provides marketing organizations with new insights into their brand, innovative ways to execute and track grass-roots marketing programs, and new methods to turn fragmented online conversations into actionable insights. To do so, though, organizations will need ways to monitor, understand, and participate effectively in those conversations and leverage them in conjunction with existing marketing programs and processes.  

Increase brand awareness
The first step in engaging social customers is to listen to what they’re saying. While social networking sites provide a rich source of customer opinions and attitudes, the challenge is to capture this information in a useful form and in a way that benefits the business. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help organizations increase the awareness of their brand and products and improve market sentiment by:

- Identifying key influencers in each product area to increase brand awareness.
- Automatically tracking public online conversations of interest within the customer system of record.
- Rating and tracking the sentiment of specific social networking conversations.
- Tracking online reaction to new announcements or developments.
- Keeping track of competitors by monitoring their public online conservations.
- Using social networks as a source of market research by creating online focus groups.

Better leverage online channels
Social networks can also provide an excellent opportunity for grass-roots online marketing initiatives. Because social networks tend to be egalitarian and informal, they have the potential to appeal to customers at a personal level in a way that’s difficult through traditional channels. Marketing via social networking sites, however, does not replace traditional marketing. Instead, it should be treated as an additional channel with its own unique characteristics that complement other marketing efforts, an approach that can ultimately enhance the effectiveness of all channels. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help marketing organizations engage social customers while managing and tracking their efforts by:

- Quickly spotting developing PR or perception issues and addressing them with pinpoint responses.
- Authoring social networking messages directly from the customer system of record.
- Automatically tracking responses to social networking messages or conversations.
- Seamlessly integrating social networking channels into existing marketing methodologies.
- Launching online marketing programs that engage social customers in their preferred environment.
- Seamlessly tracking responses and leads generated from online marketing efforts.

Measure results
As social networks continue to emerge as a viable marketing vehicle, organizations will need flexible analytical tools to take that information and turn it into actionable insights. With these tools, social networking data can greatly enrich and expand upon information from traditional sources. The Social Networking Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help organizations capture useful data from social networks by:

- Identifying and tagging public online conversations about their product, brand, and industry.
- Analyzing message effectiveness by measuring impressions, replies, and other key metrics.
- Using pre-built analytics to track follower count and identify evolving trends in real-time.
- Gaining instant visibility into brand health with the Social Networking Dashboard.
- Using powerful analysis capabilities to identify the biggest online champions, influencers and complainers.

http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX CRM NAV Global Partner

28 Mart 2010 Pazar

Why Microsoft Dynamics solutions for automotive suppliers?

The automotive industry continually adopts new technologies to face emerging challenges. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) put pressure on tiered suppliers to reduce costs, increase output, improve quality, and deliver more frequently. To stay competitive, suppliers must implement more flexible, powerful, and responsive production systems.

Microsoft Dynamics business management solutions give automotive manufacturers the key capabilities needed to be more responsive to customers and suppliers. Our solutions can enable automotive companies and their suppliers to reduce time to market, improve plant floor production, and link supply chains more effectively to production.

Improve operations and reduce costs

    Support a variety of release accounting methods, including cumulative order management, Kanban, and long-range forecasting 830 Production Release Transactions.

    Help lower system costs by supporting lean manufacturing capabilities.

Develop profitable customer relationships

    Provide a comprehensive view of customer information.

    Coordinate multi-channel communications with customers.

    Improve customer support by more effectively tracking and monitoring customer needs and requests.

Build connections to suppliers and vendors

    Utilize automotive production demands to enable operations and suppliers' operations to react quickly.

    Drive transparency down the supply chain to second- and third-tier suppliers directly from auto makers' forecasts.

    Shorten development cycles by integrating product development with manufacturing, accounting, purchasing, and suppliers.

www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX CRM NAV Global Partner

26 Mart 2010 Cuma

Consumer Driven Planning for Microsoft Dynamics AX

hero-loesungenDie Fähigkeit, Markttrends zu interpretieren, ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil fundierter Absatzplanung und eine Voraussetzung für hervorragende Leistungen für Hersteller und Distributoren. Consumer Driven Planning for Microsoft Dynamics AX gibt Ihnen mehr Transparenz, damit Sie ein detailliertes Vertriebsbudget bis zur Produkt- und Kundenebene entwickeln und zuverlässige Verkaufsprognosen erstellen können, welche die Anforderungen der verschiedenen Vertriebskanäle berücksichtigen. Steigern Sie die Effektivität Ihrer Promotions und Events, reduzieren Sie schlecht laufende Abverkäufe, optimieren Sie die Bestände im gesamten Liefernetzwerk und sorgen Sie für rechtzeitigen Nachschub.
Consumer Driven Planning for Microsoft Dynamics AX basiert auf der Microsoft-Plattform.
Ihre Vorteile mit Consumer Driven Planning for Microsoft Dynamics
- Festlegung detaillierter Vertriebsbudgets
- Zuverlässige Absatzplanung
- Sortimentsplanung und Category Management
- Promotionplanung für strategische Abverkäufe
- Nachschubsteuerung / Sales & Operations Planning
Markttendenzen erkennen
Vergleichen Sie den erwarteten mit dem aktuellen Absatz und planen Sie den künftigen Absatz bis auf Wochen- oder Tagesebene - mit Berücksichtigung saisonaler Schwankungen und Promotions. Mit Simulationen, Absatzmodellen und Fehleranalysen können Sie die Bestände optimieren - mit positiven Auswirkungen auf Gewinn und Margen.
Betriebseffizienz steigern
Fördern Sie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ihren Mitarbeitern zur Konsolidierung von Absatzinformationen, Festlegung eines realistischen Vertriebsbudgets, Ausrichtung der Vertriebs- und Marketingstrategien, sowie zur Standardisierung der Betriebsabläufe.
Unternehmensagilität sichern
Mit detaillierter und rechtzeitiger Absatzinformation werden Sie Markttrends besser identifizieren, Aufträge prognostizieren und den Vertrieb planen können. Die Echtzeit-Ermittlung von Verkaufsdaten ermöglicht eine Verringerung der Prognosefehler sowie ein rechtzeitiges Reagieren auf Nachfrageschwankungen.
Absatz fördern
Überwachen und steuern Sie die Marktnachfrage mit effektiven Promotions und erreichen Sie dadurch Ihre Margenziele. Steigern Sie Ihre Fähigkeit, die Auswirkungen von Werbeaktionen auf den Umsatz richtig einzuschätzen und Produktion, Vertrieb und Bestände effizient zu planen.
Servicelevel maximieren
Beschleunigen Sie die Auftragserfüllung, reduzieren Sie Fehl- und Überbestände und steigern Sie Ihre Service Levels, indem Sie Transparenz und Reaktionsfähigkeit entlang der gesamten Supply Chain schaffen.

Funktionsüberblick Consumer Driven Planning for Microsoft Dynamics AX

FunktionBeschreibung und Nutzen
Hierarchisches, marktabhängig konfigurierbares Datenmodell Erstellen Sie Absatzpläne mit hierarchischen, multidimensionalen Datenstrukturen und definieren Sie dynamische Klassifizierungen für Produkte, Märkte und Zeiträume. Für jeden Parameter können Sie detaillierte Hierarchien definieren und damit das Nachfrageprofil modellieren, Simulationen durchführen und den Absatz auf dem beliebigen Aggregationsniveau prognostizieren.
Festlegung des VertriebsbudgetsFördern Sie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Abteilungen, um Absatzziele festzulegen und Performance-Analyse durch Top-Down, Bottom-Up und Middle-Out Datenmodelle durchzuführen. Definieren Sie Absatz- und Umsatzziele sowie Vertriebsbudgets auf verschiedenen Detailniveaus wie Region, Vertriebskanal, einzelnem Kunden, Produktlinie oder Marke.
AbsatzplanungMessen Sie Prognose-Genauigkeit, indem Sie die Absatzprognose mit Hilfe von fortgeschrittenen, auf der spezifischen Branche angepassten Algorithmen mit den aktuellen Verkaufsdaten vergleichen. Werten Sie die Auswirkungen verschiedener Prognose-Strategien durch Simulationswerkzeuge aus.
PromotionplanungIdentifizieren Sie die erfolgreichsten Promotions je Produktgruppe und Vertriebskanal. Koordinieren Sie Ihre Werbekampagnen mit Rücksicht auf deren Auswirkungen auf die Supply Chain. Bewerten Sie den Effekt einzelner Promotions auf den Absatz aus und archivieren Sie alle Promotion-Aktionen und deren Ergebnisse.
Sortimentsplanung und Category ManagementIdentifizieren Sie die richtigen Warengruppen und weisen Sie diese Ihrem Vertriebsnetz zu. Planen Sie Ihre Sortimente für jeden Vertriebskanal und/oder jede einzelne Verkaufsstelle auf Basis von Zielen der Saison bezüglich Absatz, Margen, Lagerumschlag und Einschränkungen wie z.B. Ihre Markenstrategie. Überwachen Sie die Absätze der laufenden Saison, indem Sie Best-Sellers, Ladenhüter und allgemeine Veränderungen in der Nachfrage identifizieren.
Bestandsplanung und -optimierungAnalysieren Sie Vorlaufzeiten und Kosten für den Nachschub, den Service-Level sowie die Genauigkeit der Absatzprognose, um die Distribution des Produktes entlang der gesamten Lieferkette zu optimieren. Reduzieren Sie den Gesamtbestand bei gleichzeitiger Anpassung des Servicelevels und Minimierung der Fehlbestände.
Nachschubsteuerung / Sales & Operations PlanningPlanen Sie den Nachschub an die Distributionszentren unter Berücksichtigung des erwarteten Absatzes, der Struktur des Vertriebsnetzes, sowie der Auswirkungen verschiedener Bestandsstrategien auf den Servicelevel.
AnalyticsÜberwachen Sie die Performance-Indikatoren Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse, wie z. B. Scorecards und KPIs, mit spezialisierten Analysen und auf Ihre individuellen Anforderungen angepassten Berichten.
Die Verfügbarkeit der MDIS-Lösungen ist branchen- und länderabhängig. Es sind derzeit noch nicht alle Lösungen in allen Ländern verfügbar. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer bestimmten Branchenlösung sind, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.
http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX NAV CRM Global Partner

Supply Chain Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Streamline and automate business processes throughout the supply chain to improve planning, optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and respond quickly to changes in customer and supplier demand. Supply Chain Management in Microsoft Dynamics® AX 2009 connects sales and purchasing processes with logistics, production, and warehouse management to provide real-time visibility throughout the supply chain. With the ability to integrate external business processes and support application-to-application connectivity, you can improve supply and demand planning to optimize inventory levels and increase reliability rates for execution and delivery. In addition, you can help simplify government and corporate compliance commitments by defi ning custom business rules and workfl ows based on risk scenarios.
Gain insight throughout the supply chain using your Role Center.

Empower people to work fast and smart with Role Centers that organize relevant tasks, information, and tools in a personalized view. Supply chain managers can gain deep insight into customer and supplier account data, pricing, trade agreements, and inventory with access to RoleTailored reports and custom data cubes. Warehouse managers can easily access tools to help them optimize item storage based on location types, space, pallet heights, and temperature requirements.
• Improve customer service. Enhance the security and reliability of deliveries with the global available-to-promise (ATP) view, which provides delivery alternatives in the event of unexpected disruptions. Automate sales and purchasing processes, track and locate inventory items quickly, and help ensure accurate pricing and discounts to improve customer satisfaction.

• Reduce costs by optimizing supply chain management processes. Improve productivity, adapt internal processes quickly to meet new demands, and optimize processes across sites in the supply chain.

• Control and streamline inventory. Use powerful inventory management tools to improve forecasting and planning, match supply with customer demand, and create sales and purchasing forecasts based on specific items and time periods.

• Increase visibility throughout the supply chain. Empower users to view real-time data through a user-friendly interface and Role Centers that provide quick access to tasks and critical business intelligence (BI) information, such as key performance indicators (KPIs) and custom reports.
OVERVIEW Supply Chain Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX includes the following functionality:
• Demand forecasting
• Intercompany trade
• Inventory management
• Procurement management
• Vendor self-service portal
• Business-to-business trading partner integration
• Quality management
• Multi-site capabilities
• Order handling with trade agreements
• Item and lot number reservation and tracking
• Order promising
• Distribution planning
• Returns management
Collaborate across boundaries with a Web services framework By connecting business processes and people across the entire supply chain, organizations can gain the insight they need to adapt to changing business requirements, streamline planning and inventory management, and deliver superior customer service. Supply Chain Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX provides the tools you need to exchange data with trading partners, customers, vendors, and other systems. With Application Integration Framework, the Web services framework in Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can access arange of out-of-the-box XML documents, including Advanced Shipping Notice(ASN), Sales Order, and Purchase Order. Exchange the documents using various transport mechanisms, such as file systems, Microsoft® Message Queuing (MSMQ), and outbound Web services.

Automate business processes with online services Automate and streamline business processes using a wide range of out-of-the-box Web services in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, or create and customize your own Web services using simple tools. Take advantage of payment services to integrate credit card processing, including preauthorization, authorization, and data tracking directly, into Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Gain quick access with Web-based portals

With Supply Chain Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can obtain the real-time business information you need anytime, from any location. You can access the solution quickly from the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, or by using Enterprise Portal in Microsoft Dynamics AX, which is based on Microsoft Windows® SharePoint® Services and Microsoft Offi ce SharePoint Server. Regardless of how you access the data, the business logic is maintained in a single data set to maintain data integrity and enhance security.

Speed business insight with fl exible self-service BI tools Supply Chain Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 delivers powerful selfservice BI tools to people at every level of the supply chain. Gain quick business insight with the ability to monitor performance with predefi ned cubes, KPIs, and ad-hoc reports—all from within your Role Center. Share and modify data with ease by exporting to Microsoft Offi ce Visio® and Microsoft Offi ce Excel®, with the ability to use PivotTable® views.
http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX NAV CRM Global Partner

25 Mart 2010 Perşembe

Professional Services for Microsoft Dynamics™ AX 2009

Working with federal, state, and local government agencies can be a challenge. Strict regulatory requirements and procurement agents can make it difficult just to break even on fixed-price contracts. To be successful, you have to manage this complexity and deliver a quality product or service while still making money. With Professional Services for Microsoft Dynamics™ AX, government contractors can help better manage project teams, increase employee productivity, and remain in compliance with complex government audit policies and procedures.
dynamics ax professional services
Integrate Financial, Human Resources, and  Project Management Information
Help connect disparate systems to integrate data for comprehensive pictures of your firm and accounts and streamline company- and project-related processes. Reduce redundant data entry and management efforts, improve accuracy, and increase staff productivity by integrating Microsoft Dynamics AX general ledger, purchasing, receivables, and time and expense functionality. Benefit from tight integration with familiar productivity software, including Microsoft® Office Excel® 2003, Microsoft Office Word 2003, and Microsoft Office Project Server 2003.
· Integrated firm-wide processes and information
· Compliance with government regulations
· Enhanced handling of time and expenses
· Easy management of requests for proposals (RFPs) and contracts
· Positive return on investment (ROI)
Remain Compliant with Government Regulations
Help collect and analyze project-related time and expense data and generate accurate, up-to-the-minute reports for government audits. View agency, department, contract, and project details in real time for an accurate accounting of progress and profitability.
Capture and Report Time and Expenses Efficiently
Capture customer, project, sub-project, or task-level time and expenses through a powerful Web-based, workflow-enabled time and expense entry interface. Standard features include document and line-item-level timecard and expense report approvals; integration with client and agency expense reimbursement rules; and automatic downloading of assigned tasks to timesheets and credit card statements to expense reports.
project dynamics
Track and manage multiple change requests throughout the lifetime of a project with complete roll-up and historical archival capabilities. Produce robust real-time reports that can be saved for repeated use.

Flexible Project Management CapabilitiesConfigure work breakdown structures (WBS) to suit your business needs; define matrix tables for costs and rates; and establish billing rules and revenue recognition methods.
CRMManage RFPs, contracts, quotations, and sales orders at an enterprise level within your business management system. Produce robust reports on pre- and post-sales activity
Detailed Job AnalysisAccumulate costs and analyze projects with drill-down capabilities at multiple levels. Flexible planning and reporting allow you to assign resources and report at the appropriate level of detail.
Customer Profile Folders and TemplatesCustomer and project folders allow you to create client-specific project billing rates, expense rules, and archive and retrieve historical staffing plans, estimates, purchase orders, invoices, and budget reconciliations.
Web-Based, Workflow-Enabled Time and
Expense Entry
Maintain tight control over costs and shorten billing cycle time with automated approval processes for timesheets and streamlined processes for cash advances, travel advances, and credit card reconciliation. Set alerts on timesheets to indicate when time is not being entered as required, or when committed costs exceed budgets.
Customizable Revenue Recognition and Project Billing Rules Define recognition at the company, customer, project, or activity level and pre-configure rules for percent complete, completed contract, time and materials, and fixed fees with tools that conform to the way your company works. Flexible billing parameters support retainers, fees, milestones, and progress billing.
Multicompany and Multicurrency SupportYour business can support distinct departments, offices, and companies and apply inter-company rules within one database. Track financial transactions within and between different departments and subsidiaries to help ensure an accurate overview of revenue and cost flows. Full multicurrency support enables you to perform automatic conversions associated with project budgeting, costing, billing, accounting, and reporting.
Microsoft Project Bi-directional Integration with Project Accounting Full bi-directional integration with Project Server 2003 offers both increased team collaboration capabilities and ease of use. With powerful resource scheduling and tracking tools, your company can improve cost efficiencies by better managing the allocation of resources.
Manage Contract and Sales Opportunity Data More Effectively
When coupled with customer relationship management (CRM) functionality, Professional Services for Microsoft Dynamics AX can become a full-featured RFP-to-project management tool. Manage opportunities, contacts, RFPs, contracts, and transactions all in one place. And when you close a deal, you may convert quotations to sales orders with one-click ease.
Professional Services for Microsoft Dynamics AX also comes standard with a robust set of sales-pipeline and in-process sales reports, such as prognosis for quotation, won-lost, master planning estimates, turnover reports, campaign analysis, and business relations.
Achieve a Positive ROI
Because Professional Services for Microsoft Dynamics AX integrates closely with other powerful Microsoft technologies such as Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000, Microsoft Internet Information Services, and the Microsoft Windows® operating system, your firm can take advantage of existing IT investments and gain a fast return on your investment. And supported by a wizard-based configuration and system setup tool, Microsoft Business Solutions–Axapta®, now part of Microsoft Dynamics, has been shown to significantly reduce implementation times and total cost of ownership for customers.*
*Nucleus Research, Inc. The Real ROI from Axapta. Research Note E116, October 2004
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Apparel and Textile for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Integrate production processes, routing, and complex item data to increase efficiency, improve traceability, and manage cascading product specifications across the supply chain.
Global competition, the increasing complexity of dispersed supply networks, and ongoing mergers and acquisitions challenge apparel and textile manufacturers to satisfy demanding customers, bring products to market faster, and operate profitably. Yet these companies often struggle with patchwork information systems that are unable to handle the required number of item variables, limit flexibility, and inhibit visibility into operations.
Apparel and Textile for Microsoft DynamicsTM AX addresses complex item coding, traceability, and process flexibility needs of companies that manufacture and distribute textiles and apparel—from fibers to yarns and consumer and industrial fabrics to home goods and carpet, as well as clothing, designer lines, and fashion accessories.
With robust, industry-specific functionality and tight integration with other Microsoft products, Apparel and Textile for Microsoft Dynamics AX is a comprehensive business management solution that provides a high degree of scalability and readily adapts to your company needs and changing corporate structure. Support for multiple languages and currencies helps you operate smoothly across geographies. With Apparel and Textile for Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can be confident your solution is relevant to the demands of your industry and business.
Advanced item coding links item production and finishing variables with sourcing, BOM generation, and routing to help ensure traceability, cost accounting, and profitability analysis.
• Manage complexity for comprehensive traceability. Handle numerous material and product variables effectively with multi-dimensional item coding that enables you to track from raw fibers to finished goods—and back. Trace materials through variable sourcing and manufacturing processes, subcontractors, inventory, and logistics.
• Increase agility with adaptable processes for sourcing, manufacturing, and shipment allocation. Use blanket orders, neutral bills of materials (BOMs), multi-line manufacturing orders, and variable routing and allocation simulations to meet changing customer and supplier requirements.
• Take control of costs and profitability. Integrate material, item, order, and cost information into comprehensive financial management and reporting tools. For example, gain insight into seasonal or brand collections’ performance or profitability of various distribution channels.
• Gain insight to respond effectively to changing conditions. Run simulations and model new processes to adapt effectively to changes in product lines, manufacturing capabilities, supply partners, production geographies, vertical integration, and distribution.
• Streamline supply chain interactions. Take advantage of multicurrency, multilanguage, and multi-site support to speed transactions, improve transparency, and facilitate consolidated financial reporting.

Dimensional item managementManage complex item variables with advanced coding attributes and “smart” SKU coding for raw materials, process outputs, and item characteristics including collection or seasonal grouping, style, color, color-way, size dimensions, decorations, and finishing variants. Automatically update item codes based on manufacturing process completion with transaction-driven code changes and extensions.
Bi-directional materials trackingImprove traceability both upstream and downstream when you can track goods by lot, batch, and serial number and trace finished goods back to components and suppliers through item BOMs.
Flexible bills of material (BOMs)Streamline planning and increase production agility with neutral BOMs that enable production and materials planning independent of variables such as size, color, or
Adaptive production management Increase efficiency and respond quickly to changes with multi-line manufacturing orders, flexible and alternative routings, and reprocessing management. Support either push or pull production policies and integrate subcontractor routings and management into planning and logistics.
Tailored customer order capabilitiesStreamline order entry by creating multiple order types such as collection and showroom orders and open blanket orders with truncated codes for later specification. Accommodate multiple shipment addresses and delivery dates per order and save time by making mass modifications in existing or blanket orders.
Quality assurance supportIntegrate quality grading processes and information into the production and supply chain. Allocate products of various grades to different distribution channels and gain insight into grade costs and profitability.
Integrated shipping Define and meet customer requirements for put-up options, labeling, unitizing, and documentation, with item and shipment information fully integrated into invoicing and accounting processes.
Inventory management Maintain multiple material status indicators and improve inventory management with comprehensive tracking of materials and finished goods, including samples, off-site deposits such as trade show or showroom stocks, multiple real and virtual warehouses, and wholesale or distributor inventories.
Supply chain managementIncrease supply chain visibility, monitor subcontractor performance, and collaborate effectively. Incorporate supply partners into routing decisions and costing, share information using Microsoft® formats familiar to people worldwide, and extend replenishment processes to suppliers through the Internet.
Price listsAccess integrated cost information to easily generate price lists for finished goods of various quality grades, sizing, and quantities, plus create and maintain special promotional, trade-show, or showroom pricing.
Multiple measurement units
and conversions
Streamline and automate measurement conversions based on algorithms for improved accuracy and consistency.
htpp://www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX / NAV / CRM Global Partner

23 Mart 2010 Salı

Streamline your project management and accounting processes with Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX for project management and accounting helps managers gain increased financial control of both short-term and long-term projects, including long-term time and materials projects, internal projects, and fixed-price projects. ERP project management software also helps streamline information exchange with people working in the field by using the Internet.


Microsoft Dynamics AX also helps your people manage a broad range of other business areas, minimizing the need for multiple systems.

    Set up and manage projects effectively. Set up your projects by identifying tasks, establishing start and end dates, and specifying load capacity. Schedule tasks for groups of work centers, administer budgets, and monitor status to anticipate and avoid potential delays.

    Work smart and make decisions with greater confidence. Find, use, and share information quickly with RoleTailored access to business intelligence that helps you track your projects, evaluate status, monitor budgets, and analyze performance.

    Control project costs and deliverables. Quickly analyze the financial performance of internal and external projects. Compare resources consumed and revenue earned for each project budget in real time.

    Plan and administer complex projects with ease. Tight integration with Microsoft Office Project provides the detailed information you need to manage project resources effectively, regardless of project size.

    Make your work flow smoothly. Allow employees, customers, vendors, and other business partners to interact directly with your ERP system. Offer access to relevant business information directly, and conduct business transactions through personalized, RoleTailored Web portals.

    Fact sheet: Microsoft Dynamics AX Editions Comparison (XPS 454 KB)

    www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX Global Partner

22 Mart 2010 Pazartesi

Empower your people with Microsoft Dynamics AX business intelligence and reporting tools

In today’s competitive markets, success depends on empowering everyone in your organization—individuals, teams, and executives—with self-service access to business intelligence information. With the robust, out-of-the-box capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can get quick access to personalized business intelligence (BI) information by using familiar, easy-to-use tools.

As an end-to-end business management solution built on the proven Microsoft technology stack—including the performance and services within Microsoft SQL Server—Microsoft Dynamics AX can solve today’s business intelligence challenges with integrated information and tools, custom BI access, flexible viewing and analysis capabilities, and scalability for future growth. Microsoft Dynamics AX, with or without the addition of PerformancePoint Server, is designed specifically to deliver the insight you need to drive business success.

    Empower your people to make confident decisions and drive organizational success. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 integrates with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to deliver extensible reporting tools and a BI platform that provides access to relevant, real-time data across your organization.

    Get fast, reliable, and comprehensive accounting, financial reporting, and analysis capabilities. Extend access to your business community, at the appropriate level, and improve the efficiency of your existing accounting processes.

    Combine the power of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 with the flexible performance management tools of Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 to simplify monitoring, deeply analyze business performance, and enhance planning and budgeting.


www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX Global Partner

Learn about the features and capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 delivers a rich industry platform on which partners can build vertical applications for mid-sized organizations and divisions of large enterprises. The solution supports the primary and secondary processes of organizations in multiple industries.


Business intelligence and reporting

Empower your people with self-service business intelligence, and see how access to information can help meet personal goals, accomplish team objectives, and achieve overall business success.


See how applications like Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal, Unified Communication integration, and Application Integration Framework can improve collaboration and efficiency across the workplace and the globe.

Environmental sustainability

Discover how this cost-effective solution is designed to help Microsoft Dynamics AX customers track their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, also known as their carbon footprint, over time, allowing them to be more proactive in their approach to environmental issues.

Financial management and compliance

Microsoft Dynamics AX provides you and your people with fast, reliable, and comprehensive accounting, financial reporting, and analysis capabilities. And it helps you manage a broad range of other business areas, so you minimize the need for multiple systems.

Human resource management

Gain deeper insight into the status of individual employees, an overview of your entire organization and the strategic tools you need to develop the human resources upon which your business goals depend.


Real-time insight into business and supply chain information—including inventory, warehouse, and production—helps you optimize production flow by planning effectively, maximizing resource utilization, driving accurate delivery performance, and streamlining business processes.

Project management and accounting

Help managers gain increased financial control of both short-term and long-term projects, including long-term time and material projects, internal projects, and fixed-price projects.

Sales and marketing

Sales and marketing managers can work more effectively with their teams and sell more efficiently by using the Internet and telemarketing to increase sales and reduce costs.

Service management

Plan, track, and analyze service operations to maximize efficiency, gain a complete overview of costs and revenue, and improve profitability for service operations.

Supply chain management

Automate sales and purchasing to help streamline intercompany operations. And because it was built for the Internet, your sales team can access, view, and update customer and company information anytime, anywhere.

www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX Global Partner

20 Mart 2010 Cumartesi

Étendez les fonctionnalités de Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Bénéficiez des accélérateurs gratuits et innovants de Microsoft Dynamics CRM afin d’améliorer votre retour sur investissement. Grâce à une installation simple et une intégration transparente, la solution Microsoft Dynamics CRM est rapidement opérationnelle. Tout le code source est disponible, ce qui permet de faire évoluer la solution et de l’adapter à vos besoins en conformité avec les normes du SDK (Software Developer Kit) de Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Les solutions complémentaires pour le marketing, les ventes et le service client vous aident à améliorer la productivité de votre entreprise et vous apportent la souplesse nécessaire pour la positionner favorablement sur le marché.
Les accélérateurs de Microsoft Dynamics CRM vous font bénéficier d’avantages supplémentaires car ils mettent à votre disposition d’autres outils et fonctions sans surcoûts.
À propos de Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Microsoft Dynamics CRM est une suite CRM (Customer Relationship Management, gestion des relations client) complète qui comporte des applications pour le marketing, les ventes et le service client. Ces dernières, simples d’utilisation et flexibles, permettent aux entreprises de toutes tailles de créer des relations client fructueuses, de les développer et de les étendre. Nos partenaires certifiés Microsoft Dynamics CRM sont à votre disposition sur site et vous accompagnent du conseil à la mise en œuvre. Ils se chargent également de l’assistance ultérieure.

Créez la transparence grâce à des puissantes capacités analytiques

Procurez-vous une idée d’ensemble sur vos clients et renforcez vos relations à chaque interaction grâce aux performances de votre solution CRM. L’extension Analytics pour Microsoft Dynamics CRM offre aux entreprises une plate-forme d’analyse complète qui comprend le marketing, les ventes et le service client afin que vos collaborateurs puissent améliorer la satisfaction de vos clients, leur fidélité et augmenter la rentabilité à chaque interaction. Des outils de reporting et d’affichage des données à l’écran permettent à vos collaborateurs d’accéder aux dernières données qui les intéressent afin qu’ils puissent prendre plus rapidement des décisions étayées par des chiffres.
Analytics comprend:
    des tableaux de bord pour les ventes, le service client et la direction des rapports CRM supplémentaires la surveillance des KPI (Key Performance Indicator, indicateur de performance clé), ainsi que des analyses à des fins de prévision

Des outils d’analyses des données et d’affichage procurent aux utilisateurs des vues complètes sur diverses informations, comme les opportunités de vente, les prévisions de vente et le chiffre d'affaires.
Améliorez votre service client et offrez à vos clients un portail d’eService
Augmentez la satisfaction de vos clients et leur fidélité en leur offrant des possibilités de vous contacter via Internet. eService de Microsoft Dynamics CRM vous permet de mettre vos services d'assistance à disposition via un autre canal de communication, au moyen d'un portail Internet en libre-service simple à créer et à gérer. Vous permettez ainsi à vos clients de trouver rapidement de l’aide, de contacter un collaborateur du service client, de rechercher des réponses ou de convenir d'un rendez-vous avec le service client, et ce 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Etant donné qu'eService est totalement intégré à Microsoft Dynamics CRM, toutes les précieuses informations sur vos clients restent en outre centralisées à un seul endroit.
eService CRM offre:
    la création rapide d’un portail en libre-service la mise à disposition d’une base de connaissances l’organisation de rendez-vous la gestion de profils client, des interventions et des données

Rapprochez le service client des clients en leur proposant un eService
Organisez des manifestations impressionnantes
Améliorez la planification et la réalisation des manifestations tout en en améliorant la rentabilité L’extension Event Management de Microsoft Dynamics CRM vous aide à améliorer le succès de vos manifestations et à les organiser de manière professionnelle grâce à une solution de gestion des événements qui collecte toutes les données importantes et les rassemble au même endroit. Automatisez les tâches de gestion des événements, saisissez les informations de manière précise et simplifiez la vie des participants en leur permettant de s’inscrire par Internet. Vous pouvez ainsi améliorer les résultats et maîtriser vos coûts. Comme les données des manifestations sont enregistrées au même endroit que vos données Microsoft Dynamics CRM, elles sont également disponibles pour le suivi et le reporting, ainsi que pour la planification de futures manifestations.
Event Management CRM offre:
    une organisation et une gestion professionnelles des manifestations une inscription simple aux manifestations par Internet des outils logistiques et la gestion des participants la saisie des données pour le suivi des opportunités de vente et la planification

Offrez une possibilité d’inscription par Internet simple aux manifestations et collectez en même temps des données importantes pour mieux planifier et analyser vos activités.
Utiliser les données de Microsoft Dynamics CRM via SharePoint
Trouver plus facilement les données CRM dans toute l’entreprise, les mettre à disposition et les utiliser… C'est possible grâce aux outils Web de Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2007. L’extension Enterprise Search affiche les données et les informations CRM avec d’autres résultats de la recherche dans l’entreprise, de sorte que vos collaborateurs peuvent travailler plus efficacement et sont encouragés à utiliser activement vos précieuses données CRM. Les utilisateurs peuvent afficher et traiter les données CRM via Internet, sans avoir besoin de changer d'application. Des directives cohérentes en matière de sécurité assurent que seuls les collaborateurs autorisés puissent consulter les données CRM ou les modifier.
Enterprise Search CRM offre:
    la possibilité de trouver les données CRM grâce à la fonction de recherche d’Office SharePoint Server et de les afficher la possibilité de modifier les données CRM au moyen d’Office SharePoint Server l’intégration complète du modèle de sécurité des données CRM

Étendez l’utilisation des données CRM aux collaborateurs qui ne travaillent pas régulièrement avec Dynamics CRM grâce au portail SharePoint.
Optimisez vos méthodes de vente
Élaborez un concept de vente global pour vos ventes grâce à des solutions de vente des fournisseurs leaders. L’extension de Méthodes de vente CRM vous procure les outils et l’aide dont vous avez besoin afin de bénéficier des solutions des leaders du secteur, comme Miller Heiman, SPI Solution Selling ou Target Account Selling (TAS). L’intégration dans Microsoft Dynamics CRM vous permet de mettre en œuvre ces solutions de manière homogène et rapide.
Conservez la vue d’ensemble sur votre pipeline des ventes
Améliorez l’efficacité de votre service des ventes à l’aide d’outils intuitifs qui permettent de suivre et de gérer le pipeline des ventes. Les rapports de ventes étendus permettent à vos collaborateurs d'identifier plus facilement les opportunités et de les classifier, ainsi que de comparer les objectifs de vente, les budgets et les performances du pipeline aux prévisions de vente.
Tenez-vous au courant grâce aux notifications CRM
Aidez vos collaborateurs à travailler de manière motivée et productive en les informant des événements qui concernent leur activité. L’extension Notifications de Microsoft Dynamics CRM permet aux collaborateurs de s’abonner aux informations CRM qui les concernent. Ils disposent ainsi d’une meilleure vision générale et d’un plus grand contrôle sur les tâches à venir.
Améliorez la productivité
Aidez vos services des ventes, marketing et client grâce à des outils supplémentaires, à des processus et à des rapports automatiques et déchargez-vous des tâches répétitives. L’extension Productivité de Microsoft Dynamics CRM vous offre des solutions supplémentaires simples et rapides à déployer.
L’extension Productivité CRM offre:
    l’automatisation du processus de vente l’audit des données commerciales un programme de références client la gestion des réclamations


Améliorez l’efficacité.

Améliorez l'efficacité de votre entreprise grâce à des solutions souples qui sont parfaitement adaptées à votre activité et jetez les bases de la réussite de sa croissance. Les accélérateurs CRM vous offrent des solutions personnalisables qui permettent de renforcer les avantages du déploiement de Microsoft Dynamics CRM de manière rapide et économique.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM – Case Studies

2B Solutions Technology Consultant Secures New Business, Exceeds Customer Expectations
When Microsoft® Gold Certified Partner 2B Solutions experienced fast growth in its Microsoft Dynamics® CRM practice, it looked for ways to secure all pending business, use resources more effectively, control costs, and increase customer satisfaction. With sound methodology, best practices, guidance, and documentation, the Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step Methodology proved to be a comprehensive business-enabling resource. Since 2B Solutions adopted the methodology, it has used Sure Step to scope every implementation project and close a significant volume of new business. Clearly set expectations and careful planning boost customer confidence and help customers realize solution benefits rapidly. And, with Sure Step tools and materials, 2B Solutions minimizes the cost and risk of complex projects, streamlines technical training, and gains valuable efficiencies in its resource utilization.
“Following the Sure Step Methodology, we offer detailed statements of work and have secured the business every time. We’ve also won new public-sector customers on the merits of this approach.”
Jeff Cross, President, 2B Solutions


Microsoft® Gold Certified Partner 2B Solutions, headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, was a 2006 Microsoft Technology Innovation Partner of the Year Finalist for Mobility Solutions. The company’s technology experts consult with business customers and deliver solutions to help them gain more value from key relationships and flexibly track inventory and assets while on the go and at business locations.

2B Solutions implements Microsoft Dynamics® CRM for customers who want to increase the productivity of critical business relationships. The company’s customers thrive in a wide variety of market segments, with heavier concentrations in education, government, and healthcare. Often, the company’s technologists customize Microsoft Dynamics CRM for specialized business requirements or integrate it with 2B Solutions’s mobile technologies. As Jeff Cross, President of 2B Solutions, explains, “We began by supporting and enhancing the more traditional customer sales and marketing operations, but have gone far beyond that. We now aim to help our customers generate greater returns from their relationships with their stakeholders and contributors.”

With 2B Solutions employing Microsoft Dynamics CRM in more demanding and complex scenarios, smart project planning and most efficient use of limited resources—people’s time and budgets—became critical. Says Cross, “As we expected our growth to continue and our workload to be challenging, we wondered if there were better ways to prepare, structure, and run our implementation projects.” The company also wanted to identify a reliable, comprehensive source of documentation for Microsoft Dynamics CRM to help standardize and deepen employee familiarization, and reduce training time.

In addition, 2B Solutions sought a way to ensure customers firmly committed to projects that the company’s consultants had spent time discussing and scoping with them to avoid any drop-off that would result in a loss of revenue. Closely connected to that goal was the intent to increase customer satisfaction. More specifically, the company wanted to ensure customers received all necessary information related to projects and technologies. With that information, customers would have a full understanding of the solution’s capabilities to harbor appropriate expectations and be in a position to put Microsoft Dynamics CRM to effective use immediately after an implementation.


Available through the Partner Foundation Plan for Microsoft Dynamics, the Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step Methodology is a key benefit of the plan. 2B Solutions had already invested in the Partner Foundation Plan and thoroughly evaluated what was available within the framework of the Sure Step Methodology, which provides guidance to streamline solution implementations and complete them successfully. Sure Step Methodology resources comprise a large repository of proven-to-be-effective templates, tools, and best practices, including specific content and tools for each product within the portfolio of Microsoft Dynamics solutions.
“The Sure Step Methodology helps us minimize the risk potential risks in our projects, which in turn frees us up to pursue new business with renewed focus.”

Jeff Cross, President, 2B Solutions
2B Solutions adopted the Sure Step Methodology as the framework for efficiently planning and completing software implementation projects. Available to 2B Solutions as a download, the Sure Step Methodology can scale to support projects of any size—from relatively simple upgrades to large-scale deployments. From diagnostics during the sales cycle, on to solution deployment and operation, the Sure Step Methodology develops through six distinct phases of a software project; 2B Solutions has incorporated this phased approach into its project management. Flowchart diagrams help the company’s consultants make timely, effective use of the tools, templates, and detailed best practices provided for each project phase. In addition, the flowchart diagrams help the 2B Solutions project team and its customers set up all the roles and accountabilities that play a role in completing a project.

The company also uses the extensive documentation accessible within the Sure Step Methodology to grow the skills of both new and experienced employees, and enhance team members’ professional standing with a deep education in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Sure Step Methodology technical documentation continues to serve as reference material during 2B Solutions’s projects.

Among other recommended practices, the Sure Step Methodology assists in creating a complete, highly detailed scope of work before projects are underway. “As soon as a customer commits to a project, our team carefully reviews the scope-of-work document so that everybody understands the requirements, project milestones, and criteria for success,” says Cross. Using the scope of work, project managers:
    Plan resources. Precisely identify tasks and action items. Set deadlines for the distinct phases of a project. Remain in close contact with the customer to make sure 2B Solutions meets or exceeds expectations.
Clear definition of project scope means that consultants and technologists immediately know when a customer request may result in a digression from the project path or present an unplanned risk. If the latter is the case, 2B Solutions issues a risk warning to the customer, asking for review and discussion so that the customer and consultants together can mitigate the risk and adjust the project scope if needed.

Following the Sure Step Methodology guidance, 2B Solutions adjusted the categories that the company uses to allocate and track employee time on projects. Managers review this information to keep projects on track within budgetary guidelines. The Sure Step Methodology enables a transparent information presentation that provides granular, flexible drill-down capabilities. Those, in turn, give project managers an easy way to review the details of project events, assess any changes to be made in project delivery, forecast the projected outcome of changes in resource allocations, and keep projects on track with customer requirements.


For 2B Solutions, adoption of the Sure Step Methodology accelerates business growth, improves customer satisfaction, and enhances the efficiency of resource utilization. “The Sure Step Methodology helps us take our company to the next level of success,” states Cross. “It’s an invaluable resource that reinforces our expertise, ensures accountability, and offers practical ways to act on opportunities to grow our business and make it more efficient.”

Close More Business with Better Customer Experience
Using the Sure Step Methodology, 2B Solutions finds it easier to obtain firm customer commitments and steadily grow its customer relationship practice. “Following the Sure Step Methodology, we offer detailed statements of work and have secured the business every time,” says Cross. “We’ve also won new public-sector customers on the merits of this approach.”

“We’re enthusiastic about the potential of the Sure Step Methodology to drive productivity. We will adjust the way we work whenever we see the beneficial impact of practice enhancements.”
Jeff Cross, President, 2B Solutions

2B Solutions has seen first hand how the Sure Step Methodology enhances the experience of its customers. Customers often mention to the 2B Solutions consultants working with them that they feel the company’s approach is thorough, well organized, and completely in line with their goals. Customers also appreciate the fact that every activity in a software implementation follows the steps and schedule outlined in the scope of work so that they always know when and what to expect next. “The Sure Step Methodology gives even the most complex projects a dependable orientation that keeps everybody on track,” says Cross.

Boost the Productivity of Individuals and Teams 2B Solutions can ensure its consultants’ proficiency and effectiveness through the comprehensive documentation and prescriptive guidance available for Microsoft Dynamics CRM through the Sure Step Methodology. What’s more, employees can review the materials on their own without requiring a significant portion of somebody else’s time for training. Says Cross, “In contrast to earlier times, our managers’ workload in familiarizing staff with the intricacies of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and how to meet customers’ challenges is a fraction of what it used to be.”

2B Solutions expects to modify its team collaboration process in response to the experience gained in implementations informed by the Sure Step Methodology. “We’re enthusiastic about the potential of the Sure Step Methodology to drive productivity,” says Cross. “We will adjust the way we work whenever we see the beneficial impact of practice enhancements.”

Generate Savings, Reduce Risk
After having managed a number of implementations in accord with the Sure Step Methodology, 2B Solutions is still finding new ways to use the methodology to improve the way it manages the company’s business. 2B Solutions project managers regularly review detailed information to ensure projects are on schedule and within budgets, and frequently identify opportunities to boost efficiencies. “Sure Step gives us much better control in managing budgets and resources,” says Cross. “I know we will generate more substantial cost savings for customers and the company.”

A 2B Solutions manager team meets every week with a Microsoft partner advisor to discuss how the company uses the Sure Step Methodology and strategize the most promising ways for increasing the outcome. The best use of the methodology to anticipate and mitigate potential roadblocks and risks in implementation projects figures prominently in these conversations. Says Cross, “The Sure Step Methodology helps us minimize the potential risks in our projects, which in turn frees us up to pursue new business with renewed focus.”
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like familiar Microsoft software such as Microsoft Office, which means less of a learning curve for your people, so they can get up and running quickly and focus on what’s most important. And because it is from Microsoft, it easily works with the systems that your company already has implemented. By automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship, and supply chain processes, Microsoft Dynamics brings together people, processes, and technologies, increasing the productivity and effectiveness of your business, and helping you drive business success.
http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics CRM Global Partner