29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Professional Services


Get tools to boost your success, whether your firm is in IT, advertising, legal, accounting, engineering, real estate, or another professional service.

    - Improve your operations with a 360-degree view of your customers.
    - Optimize the client management life cycle to drive more business.
    - Gain deeper insights into your business to attract and retain more customers.
    - Use the application development platform components to quickly develop custom solutions, such as asset management.
    - Use the xRM framework to develop and deploy easy-to-use applications that improve knowledge management, service delivery, and the client experience.

Project Management

Manage projects more efficiently with the ability to track, monitor, and get highly detailed information about each project, activity, and task. With a comprehensive view of your customers and streamlined processes, it’s easier to complete projects on time and within budget.

    - Deliver real-time views of client information across the enterprise, so everyone is working from the same data.
    - Track activities, tasks, and expenditures and associate them with specific projects.
    - Create personal, workgroup, departmental, or federated workflows with a handy wizard.
    - Automatically assign activities to specific individuals or groups and use rules-based escalation to address issues in a timely way.
    - Provide project administrators with dashboards to view project status at a glance.

Resource Management

Maintain up-to-date information about resources and their availability and provide that information to your staff. With the ability to integrate your CRM data with existing systems, you get the data you need to quickly address changes and stay within time and budget requirements.

    - Get a centralized view of staff calendars and resources to make scheduling easier.
    - Save time with simplified visual scheduling of both people and resources.
    - Gain increased visibility into how well current scheduling and resource allocation are meeting your company goals.
    - Set up a catalog of your services to track sales, incidents, and contracts and proactively identify issues.

      Customer Management

      Create strong customer relationships that help build repeat business and loyalty. With each new project, you can add to a knowledge base that you will be able to tap for future projects. As you become more customer-centric, you can improve profitability and customer service to gain a competitive edge.

        - Manage and track all customer-facing activities.
        - Identify trends and provide personalized service with access to real-time, actionable data.
        - Use shared document repositories to improve the quality and efficiency of organizing teams, meetings, and deliverables.
        - Take advantage of document version controls to accelerate approval workflows and deliver better service.
        - Benefit from advanced security that helps protect client and firm data.

      26 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi

      Microsoft Business Solutions-Axapta Product Builder


      Microsoft® Business SolutionsAxapta® Product Builder simplifies and streamlines the process of ordering, planning and producing customized products, helping you to win more orders and increase customer loyalty.

      Key Benefits:

      - Your customers, vendors and employees can easily configure customized products

      - Deliver customized products faster and more cost effectively by reducing the manual work involved in designing, planning and producing them

      - An easy to use system that adapts to the needs of your customers and employees

      Microsoft Axapta Product Builder enables your employees, as well as your customers, to configure complex products via a Microsoft Windows® client or over the Web.

      Microsoft Axapta is an all-in-one solution that gives you real-time connectivity across your business. The Product Builder is designed to work with other key functional areas in Microsoft Axapta, including the Enterprise Portal, Master Planning, Production, Sales and Purchasing to shorten delivery cycles and optimize product design and production planning.

      Efficient configuration of customized products

      Both your customers and your employees can use the Product Builder to configure customized products and quickly obtain accurate pricing and delivery dates. Your employees can configure products using the Product Builder within the Microsoft Axapta client. In combination with Microsoft Axapta Enterprise Portal, your customers can configure products through your company Web site to match their unique needs. With Microsoft Axapta Product Builder, your business is open to your customers 24/7.

      The Product Builder enables you to create flexible product models which define each product’s configurable options according to variables such as color, size and materials. Products can then be configured which match your customers’ individual requirements based on the options provided in the product models.

      When the product has been configured, your customers receive up-to-date pricing and delivery information based on their choices. Because Product Builder links to other modules within Microsoft Axapta, updates to products, prices and lead times are automatically reflected throughout the solution and on your company Web site. Your customers will always be kept up-to-date on the status of the products they want.

      DynamicAxProductThe Product Builder provides information on the price and delivery date for configured products

      Deliver customized products faster and more cost effectively

      Setting up the product models in Microsoft Axapta Product Builder is fast and efficient and reduces the potential for error. Through a series of menus and options, you define the criteria for the product models that are then used to configure products for individual orders.

      When products are configured, the bills of material (BOM) and production routes are automatically generated for each sales order line. This results in less manual work required in production planning and scheduling and faster delivery of customized products to your customers. Pricing is also automatically calculated for each item on the configured BOM. And, as the Product Builder is connected in real time to the Master Planning module, delivery dates are calculated immediately with consideration of on-hand inventory and capacity availability.

      Changes to product specifications are easily managed within the Product Builder. As BOMs are not pre-defined but are defined as products are configured, changes made to product models are reflected in BOMs created from that point on. This avoids the need to manually change hundreds of BOMs when changes to a product specification are made; you make the change once in the product model and that is all.

      Microsoft Business Solutions–Axapta

      Microsoft Axapta Product Builder is part of Microsoft Business Solutions–Axapta, a customizable, scalable and global Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that supports connectivity with your business community and provides you with a fast and powerful way to gain competitive advantage.

      Product Builder I
      Product configuration

      a. Integrated with Microsoft Axapta sales orders, purchase orders and production

      b. User dialog automatically generated from variable setup on product model

      c. Immediate item configuration based on customer input

      d. Generates production of specific bills of material for each configured item

      e. Can model all complex products

      f. Default values for variables depending on customers and/or inventory items

      g. User profiles on variables to only allow specific users to specify this variable

      h. Reuse of data from previous configurations if needed

      i. Generation of item numbers based on the model variables

      j. Configuration details can be printed on order documents using the standard Axapta document handling feature

      k. Price calculations based on customers’ choice of variables from product models

      l. Price calculations can be fixed amount, percentage or even programmed per variable

      m. Language texts offering user dialogs in preferred languages

      n. Export/import of product models

      Possibility of using sub models with inheritance of variables from top to bottom and visa versa

        Product Builder II

      Validation Rules

      a.Create validation rules for variables, groups of variables and a complete configuration

      b.Create rules that govern the allowed content of variables

      c.Add or remove values from enumerated text variables

      d. Assign values to specific variables based on the content of other variables

      e.Validate values and display an error message build from the condition

      f. Add or remove variables from the user interface based on customer choices

      g.Enable product models to deal with divergent national standards

      h. Validation rules can be made in X++ code

      i. Create rules that govern the allowed content of variables (each variable, for a group of variables, or for all variables in a complete product model)

      j. Assign values to specific variables based on the content of other variables

      k. Add or remove variables from the user interface based on customer choices

        Product Builder III

      Routing integration

      a.Allows the creation of production specific routes and job cards for each configured item

      b.Default routes, as templates for the routes created in the product model

      c. Inserts complete default route in product model

        Product Builder IV

      Advanced Configurations

      a.Provides access to all of the tables and classes in your Microsoft Axapta installation

      b.Makes it possible to create complex formulas for tasks such as the calculation of raw material consumption

      c.Incorporates facts from any Microsoft Axapta table into your product models

      d. Enables product models to deal with divergent national standards

      e.Allows you to create advanced calculations using X++ programming language. Variables can be declared as any table, class or data type in Microsoft Axapta.

      f. Unlimited calculations

        Product Builder for Enterprise Portal

      Product Builder for Enterprise Portal

      a.Enables configuration of products via the Internet using existing product models

      b.Available as an add-on to the Microsoft Business Solutions–Axapta Enterprise Portal – Customer Role.

      c. Same user-dialog as when configuring the item via the sales order line from the Windows version of Microsoft Axapta

      www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics AX Global Partner

      22 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

      Microsoft Dynamics AX – alle Vorteile auf einen Blick

      Mehr Transparenz über alle Standorte und Niederlassungen – mehr Flexibilität in allen Geschäftsprozessen.
      Microsoft Dynamics AX ist die leistungsfähige Unternehmenssoftware für den gehobenen Mittelstand sowie für Großunternehmen und Organisationen mit internationaler Ausrichtung. Die Lösung ist auf die Vereinfachung und Standardisierung Ihrer Geschäftsabläufe über mehrere Standorte hinweg ausgelegt. Sie schafft Transparenz über das gesamte Unternehmen und stellt Ihnen eine fundierte Informationsbasis für Geschäftsentscheidungen zur Verfügung. Als wichtige Neuerung bietet die Unternehmenssoftware Microsoft Dynamics AX ein rollenbasiertes Design, das die Nutzung dieser Software im täglichen Arbeitsprozess einfach macht. Durch die an Microsoft Office angelehnte Oberfläche finden sich Ihre Mitarbeiter schnell damit zurecht, ohne dass auf Ihr Unternehmen umfangreiche Schulungsmaßnahmen zukommen.

      Produktivität steigern
      ax-whats-new-prod Eine neue, intelligente Benutzeroberfläche ermöglicht Ihren Mitarbeitern den schnellen Zugriff auf rollenspezifische Ansichten und Geschäftsprozesse über eigene Rollencenter. Damit stehen Ihnen Werkzeuge und Informationen zur Verfügung, die eine schnelle Arbeitsweise und intelligente Entscheidungen ermöglichen. In der volatilen Geschäftswelt wirkt sich das unmittelbar auf Ihre Geschäftsergebnisse aus.
      Die Unternehmenssoftware Microsoft Dynamics AX bietet Ihnen:
        Rollenspezifische Benutzeroberfläche und Rollencenter, über die Ihre Mitarbeiter Aufgaben und Informationen in einem einzigen Fenster organisieren, nach Prioritäten einteilen und abrufen können Komfortable Weiterbearbeitung aller Microsoft Dynamics AX-Daten, ohne dass Ihre Mitarbeiter die vertrauten Microsoft Office-Anwendungen verlassen müssen
      Veränderungen managen
      ax-whats-new-change Um zu wachsen, expandieren Unternehmen in neue Märkte, bringen neue Produkte auf den Markt und führen M&As durch. Diese Vorgänge unterstützt Microsoft Dynamics AX, indem es eine schnelle Anpassung interner Geschäftsprozesse an sich ändernde Anforderungen ermöglicht. Zusätzlich bindet es externe Systeme und Dienste mit ein, wie zum Beispiel das ERP-System Ihres Geschäftspartners.
      Die Unternehmenssoftware Microsoft Dynamics AX bietet Ihnen:
        Serviceorientierte Architektur (SOA) mit enger Integration in Microsoft-Technologien, Drittanwendungen und Web-Services. Es können auf einfache Weise Benutzer inner- oder außerhalb des Unternehmens angebunden werden oder neue Geschäftsmodelle durch schnelle Integration von Systemen und Services etabliert werden. Die einfache Skalierbarkeit unterstützt auch große, verteilte Unternehmen. Reibungslose Automatisierung der Logistikkette und Austausch von Dokumenten mit Partnern jeder Größe Schnelle Definition von Ad-hoc-Arbeitsabläufen bzw. Anpassung an sich schnell ändernde Anforderungen, um neue Geschäftschancen zu nutzen oder auf Kundenwünsche zu reagieren Abbildung branchenspezifischer Anforderungen mit den Microsoft Dynamics AX Industry Solutions oder Partnerlösungen Flexible Lizenzierungsoptionen für ein Lösungspaket Ihrer Wahl. Wählen Sie genau die Funktionalitäten, die Sie aktuell benötigen. Zusätzliche Funktionen können Sie jederzeit nachlizenzieren
      International gewinnen
      ax-whats-new-intern Die Unternehmenssoftware Microsoft Dynamics AX ist darauf ausgelegt, die komplexen Vorgänge eines globalen Unternehmens transparent zu machen und zu verwalten. Durch die Konsolidierung und Standardisierung von Prozessen kann Ihr Unternehmen seine internationale Position stärken.
        Durch umfangreiche landes- und regionsspezifische Funktionen ist die Lösung an die jeweiligen lokalen Finanzanforderungen für über 36 Länder angepasst Eine wirksame Konsolidierung von Finanz-, Logistik- und Kundendaten wird erreicht. Sie können neben globalen Daten gleichzeitig lokale, spezifische Informationen pflegen, um persönliche Beziehungen zu Kunden, Partnern, Zulieferern auf- und auszubauen. Ihre Mitarbeiter erhalten über das Enterprise-Portal in Microsoft Dynamics AX den Zugriff auf Performanceindikatoren in Echtzeit, auf Scorecards und andere wichtige Daten
      Compliance sicherstellen
      ax-whats-new-compliance Unternehmen wenden immer mehr finanzielle und personelle Ressourcen auf, um gesetzliche Anforderungen, Kunden- und Branchenstandards einzuhalten. Microsoft Dynamics AX hilft Ihnen, diese Kosten und zugleich das Risiko für Ihr Unternehmen zu minimieren.
      Die Unternehmenssoftware Microsoft Dynamics AX bietet Ihnen:
        Compliance Center für die Verwaltung von Richtlinien, Prozessdokumenten und Berichten. Dieses Werkzeug ermöglicht die Zentralisierung und gemeinsame Arbeit an Corporate Governance- und Compliance-Aktivitäten. Workflows, die Dateneingaben standardisieren und eine solide Basis für Compliance bilden Standardisierte, wiederholbare Prozesse, die zuverlässig Compliance-relevante Daten zusammenführen Funktionen, die Fertigungsabfälle verringern und die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit fördern
      http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX Global Partner

      Gestion de la chaîne logistique - Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

      Rationalisez et automatisez vos processus opérationnels tout au long de la chaîne logistique afin d’améliorer la planification, d’optimiser les niveaux de stock, de réduire les coûts et de réagir rapidement aux modifications des exigences des clients et des attentes des fournisseurs.

      Le module Gestion de la chaîne logistique de Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 connecte les processus de vente et d’achat avec la gestion de l’approvisionnement, de la production et de l’entreposage, afin de fournir une visibilité en temps réel tout au long de la chaîne logistique. Capable d’intégrer des processus opérationnels externes et de supporter la connectivité inter-application, ce module vous aide à améliorer la planification de l’approvisionnement et de la demande, afin d’optimiser les niveaux de stock et d’accroître les taux de fiabilité de l’exécution et de la livraison. Qui plus est, vous pouvez contribuer à simplifier la mise en conformité légale et réglementaire, en définissant des règles et des flux de tâches personnalisés, à partir de scénarios de risques.
      Donnez à vos collaborateurs les moyens de travailler rapidement et intelligemment avec des Role Centers qui organisent les tâches, l’information et les outils pertinents de manière personnalisée. Les responsables de la chaîne logistique peuvent étudier de manière approfondie les données relatives aux comptes clients et fournisseurs, la tarification, les accords commerciaux et le stock, grâce à l’accès aux rapports <I>role tailored</I> et à des cubes personnalisés de données. Les responsables de l’entreposage peuvent aisément accéder à des outils qui les aident à optimiser le stockage des articles, sur la base des types d’emplacement, de l’espace, de la hauteur des palettes et des exigences de température.
      Améliorez le service à la clientèle
      Renforcez la sécurité et la fiabilité des livraisons grâce à la vue Available-to-Promise (ATP) globale, qui fournit des alternatives de livraison en cas de perturbations inattendues. Automatisez les processus de vente et d’achat, assurez le suivi et localisez rapidement les articles d’inventaire, et contribuez à l’établissement de prix et de remises précis, afin d’améliorer la satisfaction des clients.

      Réduisez vos coûts en optimisant les processus de gestion de la chaîne logistique
      Améliorez la productivité, adaptez rapidement les processus internes pour répondre à de nouvelles exigences et optimisez les processus de la chaîne logistique sur l’ensemble des sites.

      Contrôlez et rationalisez votre stock
      Utilisez de puissants outils de gestion du stock pour améliorer les prévisions et la planification, assurer la concordance des approvisionnements et des demandes des clients, et réaliser des prévisions d’achat et de vente sur la base d’articles spécifiques et de périodes précises.

      Améliorez la visibilité tout au long de la chaîne logistique
      Donnez à vos collaborateurs les moyens et autorisations de visualiser des données en temps réel par le biais d’une interface conviviale et de Role Centers qui fournissent un accès rapide aux informations relatives aux tâches et à la Business Intelligence (BI) critique, tels que des indicateurs de performance clés (KPI) et des rapports personnalisés.

      Le module Gestion de la chaîne logistique de Microsoft Dynamics AX offre les fonctionnalités suivantes :
      • Prévision de la demande
      • Relations commerciales inter-entreprises
      • Gestion du stock
      • Gestion des acquisitions
      • Portail en libre service pour les fournisseurs
      • Intégration B2B des partenaires commerciaux
      • Gestion de la qualité

      • Capacités multisites
      • Traitement des commandes avec accords commerciaux
      • Réservation et suivi des numéros d’articles et de lots
      • Promesse de commande
      • RFID
      • Planification de la distribution
      • Gestions des retours

      Collaborez par-delà les frontières grâce à un cadre de services web
      En connectant les processus opérationnels et les individus tout au long de la chaîne logistique, les organisations peuvent obtenir les informations dont elles ont besoin pour s’adapter à l’évolution des exigences commerciales, rationaliser la planification et la gestion du stock, et offrir un service de qualité supérieure à leur clientèle.

      Le module Gestion de la chaîne logistique de Microsoft Dynamics AX vous fournit les outils dont vous avez besoin pour échanger des données avec des partenaires commerciaux, des clients, des fournisseurs et d’autres systèmes. Grâce à Application Integration Framework, le cadre des services web de Microsoft Dynamics AX, vous pouvez accéder à tout un éventail de documents XML prêts à l’emploi, dont Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), Sales Order et Purchase Order. Vous échangez ces documents en utilisant divers mécanismes d’acheminement, tels que des systèmes de fichiers, Microsoft® Message Queuing (MSMQ) et le Web en mode outbound.

      Automatisez les processus opérationnels grâce à des services en ligne
      Automatisez et rationalisez les processus opérationnels en faisant appel à un large éventail de services web prêts à l’emploi dans Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, ou créez et personnalisez vos propres services web en utilisant des outils simples. Profitez des services de paiement pour intégrer le traitement des cartes de crédit, y compris la pré-autorisation, l’autorisation et le suivi direct des données, dans Microsoft Dynamics AX.
      Profitez d’un accès rapide à des portails web
      Grâce au module Gestion de la chaîne logistique de Microsoft Dynamics AX, vous pouvez obtenir en temps réel, n’importe quand et n’importe où, les informations relatives à votre activité. Vous pouvez accéder rapidement à la solution à partir de Microsoft Dynamics AX Client ou du Portail d’entreprise de Microsoft Dynamics AX, basé sur Microsoft Windows® SharePoint® Services et Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. Quelle que soit la manière dont vous accédez aux données, la logique de votre activité est tenue à jour dans une seule série de données, conçue pour préserver l’intégrité des données et renforcer la sécurité.

      Accélérez la vision transversale de vos opérations, grâce à la souplesse des outils BI en libre service
      Le module Gestion de la chaîne logistique de Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 met à votre disposition de puissants outils BI en libre service, à tous les niveaux de la chaîne logistique. Obtenez rapidement une vision transversale de votre activité, avec la possibilité de surveiller la performance grâce aux cubes prédéfinis et aux KPI, et demandez des rapports ponctuels, sans quitter votre Role Center. Partagez et modifiez des données avec facilité, en les exportant vers Microsoft Office Visio® et Microsoft Office Excel®, avec la possibilité d’utiliser des vues PivotTable®.


      Role Centers*
      • Responsable des opérations, responsable de l’entreposage, manutentionnaire, expédition et réception, responsable des achats, responsable de la production, contremaître. .

      Business Intelligence d’une grande souplesse
      • Dotez vos collaborateurs d’une fonction BI en libre service, incluant les KPI et des outils de rapports standards et ponctuels.
      • Surveillez la performance et formulez une stratégie opérationnelle efficace, en utilisant les cubes prédéfinis.
      • Effectuez des analyses de données et des rapports ponctuels, à l’aide d’outils familiers tels que Excel et Visio.

      Gestion des ventes
      • Créez facilement des commandes, avec saisie rapide du contenu et des commandes globales, et renforcez le contrôle des dates de livraison.
      • Vérifiez automatiquement les limites de crédit, les informations relatives aux comptes clients et les niveaux de stock, afin de fournir des informations en temps réel aux clients.
      • Recourez à des calculs de prix souples et précis, pour une précision améliorée et un meilleur service à la clientèle.

      Gestion des achats
      • Assurez le suivi des commandes en attente et gérez les articles renvoyés.
      • Rationalisez les processus d’acquisition, avec un processus incluant de bout en bout les demandes de devis (RFQ), la comparaison des fournisseurs et l’acquisition intégrée.
      • Créez des ordres d’achat avec Microsoft Dynamics AX Client ou le Portail d’entreprise de Microsoft Dynamics AX, et définissez un flux de tâches pour contrôler les ordres d’achat.

      Accords commerciaux
      • Renforcez les relations commerciales à l’aide d’accords détaillés, couvrant les prix et remises spécifiques aux clients, fournisseurs ou articles.
      • Établissez des prix et des remises dans toutes les devises.
      • Calculez automatiquement les remises totales sur les commandes.

      Logistique de base
      • Décrivez facilement et assurez la maintenance des articles en utilisant jusqu’à trois dimensions par article et des combinaisons prédéfinies au niveau de la configuration, de la taille et des couleurs.
      • Spécifiez les dimensions des inventaires pour un contrôle poussé, ainsi qu’à des fins de suivi et de traçabilité, en utilisant des dimensions de stock telles que Site.

      Gestion du stock
      • Appliquez des options de coût multiples, incluant first in/first out (FIFO), last in/first out (LIFO), le coût standard et la moyenne pondérée.
      • Contrôlez le stock à l’aide d’une gamme de modèles et du support des stocks de sécurité.

      Gestion des commandes
      • Étendez les fonctionnalités de la chaîne logistique pour inclure la gestion et le traitement des renvois de commandes*.

      Services en ligne
      • Utilisez les services de paiement pour intégrer le traitement des cartes de crédit, incluant l’autorisation, le suivi des données et les renvois, dans Microsoft Dynamics AX.
      Note - Le traitement des cartes de crédit n’est actuellement disponible qu’aux États-Unis.

      Capacités multisites
      • Assurez un contrôle centralisé des paramètres de tous les sites, à partir de n’importe quel emplacement, qu’il soit spécifique au site ou à la société, incluant les inventaires, les nomenclatures, le routage, le calcul des coûts et les pertes et profits.
      • Gérez plusieurs entrepôts distribués, appliquez des taux de coûts, de prix et de catégories de coûts différents ; contrôlez les dates de livraison sous différents fuseaux horaires, lancez une planification de référence pour visualiser les articles de la nomenclature et expédier les données en fonction des dimensions.
      • Utilisez la nouvelle dimension Site pour supporter des scénarios multisites.
      • Accédez au support pour divers fuseaux horaires, les préférences en matière de date et d’heure étant fixées au niveau de l’utilisateur.


      Gestion de la qualité
      • Améliorez les processus opérationnels pour l’assurance qualité, le contrôle de la qualité, les matières premières et la traçabilité des lots.

      Optimisez la planification de référence
      • Créez divers plans sur les différents sites pour satisfaire la demande et préserver la synchronisation des commandes en vous référant à la demande interne ou externe.
      • Améliorez la planification de la distribution et des prévisions grâce à une vue d’ensemble des exigences en matière d’achat, de fabrication et de ressources à plus long terme.

      Gestion du stock : Emplacement
      • Assignez des dimensions au stock, pour contribuer à organiser et à localiser les inventaires par entrepôt, palette et emplacement.


      Gestion du stock : Manutention
      • Recevez des suggestions automatiques pour le placement des articles reçus, sur la base de règles préétablies pour un ou plusieurs entrepôts.
      • Assurez le suivi de toutes les commandes reçues grâce à l’identification des palettes et générez un itinéraire de collecte optimisé.
      • Utilisez des codes à barres pour assurer le suivi électronique des articles et des emplacements.
      • Rationalisez les processus de sortie grâce à la possibilité de configurer des règles pour l’envoi et l’impression des documents d’expédition.

      Support RFID
      • Contribuez à simplifier la conformité, en définissant quels clients et articles de la commande doivent être étiquetés, et commandez des numéros de code produit électronique (EPC).
      • Simplifiez la traçabilité en temps réel grâce au support d’un étiquetage au niveau de l’emplacement, de la palette et de l’article conforme aux normes internationales EPC.
      • Bénéficiez de l’intégration prête à l’emploi de l’identification par radio fréquence (RFID), avec des processus métier, tels que processus de réception, de collecte, de conditionnement et d’expédition.

      • Rationalisez les échanges avec les filiales et appliquez des politiques d’échanges inter-entreprises en utilisant un seul système intégré.
      • Créez des chaînes de commandes inter-entreprises directement et automatiquement à partir des ordres de vente aux consommateurs et sans livraison directe, actualisez les commandes d’achat à partir d’ordres d’achat et vice versa.

      Contrôle approfondi du stock
      • Calculez les dates de livraison ATP sur la base du stock disponible et des commandes de production en cours ; calculez les dates de livraison « <I>capable-to-promise</I> » (CTP), sur la base des matières disponibles et des capacités de production.
      • Optimisez la planification et l’ordonnancement de la fabrication et des matières, en réduisant les doubles planifications et en surveillant les goulets d’étranglement au niveau des usines.
      • Procédez en même temps à une planification des matières et des capacités limitées, afin de prendre en considération la capacité disponible, les niveaux de stock et les délais d’achat.
      • Utilisez des tableaux de planification de référence, avec un contrôle optimiste de concomitance (OCC).

      Configurateur de produits
      • Configurez des produits personnalisés pour obtenir des dates de livraison précises.
      Les fonctionnalités sont présentées par édition Business Ready Licensing. Les éditions proposées au moment de l’octroi de la licence peuvent être différentes.
      * La disponibilité des Role Centers varie en fonction de l’édition Business Ready Licensing.
      http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX Global Partner

      Panoromica dei prodotti Microsoft Dynamics

      La divisione Microsoft Dynamics propone soluzioni gestionali per la piccola e media impresa che permettono di collegare le risorse, i processi e le informazioni necessarie a un corretto e rapido svolgimento delle attività, dall’Enterprise Resource Management al Customer Relationship Management, dal Manufacturing alla gestione collaborativi della Supply Chain, sino alle soluzioni per il commercio elettronico e alle applicazioni per la reportistica e l’analisi. Trova il prodotto che risponde alle tue esigenze!

      Microsoft Dynamics NAV
      Microsoft Dynamics NAV è la soluzione per le piccole e medie aziende che necessitano di un sistema gestionale interoperabile e personalizzabile, completo di funzionalità di Relationship Management, e-business, Supply Chain Management. Caratterizzato da un motore di sviluppo semplice e potente, Microsoft Dynamics NAV può essere adattato alle esigenze specifiche di diversi settori di mercato.

      Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX è un ERP dotato di un ricco corredo di funzionalità evolute, per le aziende caratterizzate da un’organizzazione complessa. Multilingua e multivaluta, è disponibile in trentadue localizzazioni. Le società che devono operare con più localizzazioni e con diverse modalità di esecuzione dei processi nelle varie consociate possono installare tutte le versioni nello stesso database.

      Microsoft Dynamics CRM
      Microsoft Dynamics CRM è lo strumento ideale per aumentare il successo delle vendite e la qualità del servizio ai clienti. Il modulo Vendite consente di visualizzare e gestire l’attività della forza vendita, assegnare i potenziali clienti, qualificarli e associarli, anche automaticamente, a un determinato venditore.

      19 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi

      Branchenübergreifende Lösungen auf Basis von Microsoft Dynamics

      Sie benötigen eine Lösung für bestimmte Prozesse in Ihrem Unternehmen, um beispielsweise Projekte besser zu steuern oder das Ablaufmanagement insgesamt zu beschleunigen? Hier finden Sie, was Sie suchen: Die prozessorientierten Zusatzentwicklungen unserer zertifizierten Microsoft Dynamics-Partner werden ganz einfach in die Unternehmenssoftware „eingeklinkt“ und erweitern ihren Standardumfang um die benötigten Funktionalitäten. Einheitliche Entwicklungsstandards und eine Microsoft-interne Qualitätsprüfung gewährleisten einen reibungslosen Einsatz der Lösung.

      Im Gegensatz zu den klassischen Branchenlösungen finden Sie hier übergreifende Lösungskomponenten für die Abbildung bestimmter Prozesse, losgelöst von dezidierten Branchenanforderungen.

      Aktuell erhältliche branchenübergreifende Lösungen für Microsoft Dynamics

      Lessor Lohn / Gehalt
      Mit dieser vollständig in Microsoft Dynamics NAV integrierten Lohnanwendung können Sie viele Arten von Löhnen und Gehältern abrechnen. Die Lösung ist weltweit mehr als 1000mal installiert worden und für Microsoft Dynamics NAV zertifiziert. Sie ist bereits für die neue Version 2009 verfügbar.
      NAPA3 Personalservice
      Diese Lösung unterstützt Sie bei Ihren Aufgaben im Personal- und Lohnbüro und insbesondere bei der Erfassung lohnrelevanter personenbezogener Informationen (Bruttolohnermittlung). Die Lösung ist vor allem in Deutschland weit verbreitet und für Microsoft Dynamics NAV zertifiziert. Sie ist bereits für die neue Version 2009 verfügbar.
      agilesWorkflow – von agiles Informationssysteme GmbH
      agilesWorkflow optimiert, vereinfacht und automatisiert sämtliche Geschäftsprozesse und die daraus resultierenden Aufgaben. Das Add-On agilesWorkflow ist voll in Microsoft Dynamics NAV integriert und für jeden Microsoft Dynamics NAV- Anwender einsetzbar, ohne zusätzliche Programmierung.
      Projektmanagementlösung von Sonapro Informationssysteme GmbH
      Neben dem modularen Aufbau von PML (Projektmanagementlösung) stand die Schaffung einer Lösung mit vielseitigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Vordergrund der Entwicklung.

      Tectura Workflow Management
      Tectura Workflow Management ist eine Speziallösung für jedes Unternehmen, das durch intelligentes Prozessmanagement das volle Potenzial von Microsoft Dynamics NAV ausschöpfen will.

      connectpartners CP|CRM – von ITA Systemhaus GmbH
      Opportunity-Management für partnerorientierte Unternehmen mit automatisierter Synchronisation und integrierter Vertriebsmethode, basierend auf Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 und eingebundener P3-Schnittstelle.
      http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics ERP Global Partner

      Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Government

       CRM for Government
      State and local government and federal agencies can serve citizens and businesses more effectively with Microsoft Dynamics CRM services for government. Your organization can:
        - Deliver timely, high-quality service that focuses on citizens’ needs. - Automate processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs. - Use technology to support collaboration and decision making across departments and agencies. - Rapidly deliver e-government, citizen service, and other government applications with the xRM framework

      Business Intelligence

      With access to real-time information and analysis, government agencies or organizations can use CRM tools to identify trends, evaluate citizen interactions with departments and agencies, and create strategies to enhance service and—at the same time—reduce costs.
        - Capture and track data to respond quickly to changing constituent needs and legislative requirements. - Perform critical trend analysis based on real-time information. - Give administrators a real-time graphical view of organizational performance—from their desktops or mobile devices—with the ability to drill deeply into details.

      Case Management

      Social service agencies and related organizations are faced with growing caseloads and shrinking budgets. Microsoft Dynamics CRM case management tools help your agency increase its efficiency and reduce costs with streamlined processes and greater access to your critical data—all in one place.
        - Centralized client records to remove the barriers to cross-agency collaboration. - Use automatic workflows to increase employee effectiveness. - Easily schedule follow-up appointments and use alerts for proactive notification. - Provide mobile access to constituent and case information, so workers in the field can be more productive.

        Contact Center/311

        Improve citizens’ ability to contact your agency—and your agency’s response time—with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Contact Center/311 solution for call center, routing, and CRM integration. The faster your response, the greater value your agency can deliver to the communities you serve.
          -Use electronic tools, such as interactive voice response (IVR) in combination with contact-center agents to speed issue resolution of phone inquiries. - Give knowledge workers the ability to work within Microsoft Office Outlook to review prior contacts and update records when responding to e-mail requests. -  Take advantage of a reporting dashboard to sort and report incidents by contact type (Web, phone, or e-mail) or by case type, case severity, or other key data to help ensure timely service.

          Constituent Management

          Managing your constituents’ interactions with your organization is critical to your effectiveness. Because Microsoft Dynamics CRM looks and acts like an extension of Microsoft Office Outlook, your employees will find it easy to use, so they can respond quickly to citizen needs.
            - Provide highly secure, role-based access to constituent data. - Give employees relevant constituent information from one, centralized location. - Track constituent inquiries and requests, regardless of channel. - Target key messages to specific audiences and within specific geographic areas. - Automate workflows to improve service. - Get powerful analysis and reporting tools to simplify the identification of needs and problems and proactively address them.

          Field Inspection

          Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps personnel work from almost anywhere with highly secure access to constituent data and case management capabilities. They can gather site information, including photography, and resolve issues quickly with a history of an individual’s agency interactions.
            - Give field personnel the ability to track applications, licensing, permits, and other relevant data from remote sites. - Collect, compile, and organize data from the field or remote offices and then synchronize it with other organizational software. - Automate code enforcement at various levels of government. - Integrate with geographic information systems such as Microsoft Virtual Earth and ESRI to display case information on maps.

          Funds Management

          Federal, state, and local agencies and educational institutions can simplify funds management—from acquisition to expenditure—with the Microsoft Stimulus360 solution. By manipulating data from various sources in a highly secure environment, it’s easier to analyze the results of funded programs.
            - Track key performance indicators (KPIs)—such as job creation by city, county, and state—as well as related metrics, to determine the effects of funding. - Visualize data in rich KPI dashboards and interactive maps. - Use pre-populated content including legislative and regulatory links, report templates, and newsfeeds. - Improve governance and transparency through automatic capture of actions in a workflow history.

            Grants Management

            Today, many government agencies find it challenging to manage the approval, distribution, and tracking of grants with fewer personnel and limited resources. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, however, you can streamline your grant management tasks to stay on time and within budget.
              - Set up a standardized, electronic system that simplifies grant processing and helps ensure compliance with legislative directives. - Easily process and track payments through transparent integration with your back-end financial systems. - Automatically send notifications for grant-application status changes to replace time-consuming manual processes. - Generate task lists automatically for each stage of the grant process. - Evaluate and track solicitations so that distributions are awarded to the most-deserving applicants. - Work from within Microsoft Office Outlook for ease of use and productivity.

              Personnel Management

              Because your employees put your organization’s mission into action, effective personnel management is vital to your success. Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps ensure that your staff have the training and support they need, and that your organization’s human resources are efficiently deployed.
                - Manage personnel, mission, budgeting, acquisition, inventory, training, public affairs, cases, and multiple business applications. - Provide offline data access and mobility options that help employees stay up-to-date and keep projects moving even when they are away from the office. - Get powerful reporting and analysis tools that make it easy to manage cases and identify problems at a glance. - Create automated workflows for personnel processes to reduce administrative tasks. - Help secure your data with by defining levels of access to applications and data, based on job roles.

                Task Management

                Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers both a powerful and flexible way to manage tasks and processes. At a time when managing government operations is more complex than ever, Microsoft Dynamics CRM gives you the ability to manage diverse tasks with fewer resources in less time.
                  - Automate manual processes for such areas as logistics, personnel evaluations, information requests, and awards and decorations. - Give authorized personnel visibility into all data appropriate to their roles. - Maintain an easy-to-follow audit trail that demonstrates accountability from beginning to end. - Create consistent processes and quality standards to improve workflows. - Get advanced reporting metrics for deeper data analysis.

                  Correspondence Management

                  New economic stimulus programs are placing added pressures on government agencies to be more accountable and transparent in their actions. At the same time, these agencies are expected to be more efficient with smaller budgets and less resources. Customizable solutions built on Microsoft Dynamics CRM that address some of your most pressing needs will get you on the road to improved accountability, transparency, and efficiency in a hurry. Allowing your agency or department to get a 360 degree view of all the organizations and individuals with whom you connect is critical for governmental organizations.
                    - Keep track of addresses, activities and correspondence around contacts. - Use powerful search tools to quickly find the information you want. - Build Ad-hoc reports around your organizational activities. - Everything you need to manage relationships with those both inside and outside of your organization available in one secure place
                        Composite Case Study: CRM in Local Governments

                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics ERP Global Partner

                        Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customer Videos

                        Dixon Hughes Accounting Firm

                        Dixon Hughes is an accounting firm that uses Microsoft Dynamics CRM to track its customers and prospects.

                        Get Microsoft Silverlight

                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics AX / NAV / CRM Global Partner

                        15 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

                        Microsoft Dynamics NAV - RFI Global Services

                        See how British firm RFI Global Services uses Microsoft Dynamics NAV to cover operations all over the globe and become more efficient.

                        Get Microsoft Silverlight

                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics ERP Global Partner

                        14 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba

                        Kaleseramik'ten Microsoft Dynamics CRM golü

                        Kaleseramik Sektöründe ilk defa hayata geçirilen KaleWorks projesi, Microsoft Dynamics CRM üzerine inşa edildi.
                        30 Aralık 2009 11:25 (www.btnet.com.tr web sitesinden alıntı yapılmıştır)

                        Kaleseramik, çok sayıda ana bayisindeki tüm satış temsilcileri için ortak kurum kültürü yaratmak, aidiyet duygusunu geliştirmek, satış performanslarını takip edip artırmak amacıyla sektöründe bir ilk olan KaleWorks projesini hayata geçirmeye karar verdi. Satış temsilcilerini daha yakından tanımak, onların ürünler hakkında güncel ve doğru bilgi sahibi olmalarını sağlamak, Kale Seramik tarafından düzenlenen kampanyalardan zamanında haberdar olup, stratejik satış performanslarını artırmak için sektöründe ilk defa hayata geçirilen proje Microsoft Dynamics CRM üzerine inşa edildi.

                        Kaleseramik, 1957 yılında kurulan ve Türkiye'nin ilk seramik karo üreticisi olan Çanakkale Seramik Fabrikaları A.Ş. ile 1972 yılında kurulan ve yine Türkiye'nin ilk yer karosu üreticisi olan Kalebodur Seramik Sanayi A.Ş. firmalarının 2000 yılında birleşmesi ile kurulmuştur. Çanakkale Seramik ve Kalebodur markaları ile üretimini sürdüren Kaleseramik, 66 milyon metrekare/yıllık üretim kapasitesi ile tek bir alanda üretim yapan dünyanın en büyük seramik kuruluşudur.

                        Kaleseramik, 27,5 milyon metrekare/yıl duvar karosu, 32 milyon metrekare yer karosu ve 6,5 milyon metrekare granit seramiğin yanı sıra 15.000 ton izolatör, 40.000 ton frit üretimi kapasitesine sahiptir. 50 değişik ebatta 1900 çeşit yer karosu ve 60 değişik ebatta 2200 çeşit duvar karosu üreten Kaleseramik, her yıl yaklaşık 200 çeşit yeni ürünü tüketicilerin beğenisine sunmaktadır.


                        Kaleseramik, satışlarını çok geniş bir satış ağı üzerinden, çok sayıda ana ve tali bayi ile yürütmektedir. Özelikle ana bayilerde çalışan 700'den fazla satış temsilcisi, nihai müşteri ile temasa geçen yüzler olarak çok stratejik bir önem taşımaktaydı. Buna rağmen Kaleseramik tarafından pek tanınmayan, direk temasa geçilmeyen, ürün ve pozisyonlama hakkındaki bilgileri istenen sıklıkta sınanamayan kişilerdi. Yıllık cironun önemli bir bölümünü gerçekleştiren bu 700'den fazla satış temsilcisini yakından tanımak, onların satış performansını takip edip artırmak, pazara verilecek mesajları birinci elden kendilerine iletmek ve yaşayabilecekleri sorunları paylaşıp çözüm bulabilmek için bir satış kulübü yaratmaya karar verildi. Çok geniş bir coğrafi alana yayılan satış temsilcileri ile sağlıklı bir iletişime geçmek için bu satış kulübünü sanal ortamda hayata geçirmenin daha kolay ve etkili olacağını düşünen Kaleseramik, "Kurumsal Facebook" kod adı ile çalışmalarına başladı.


                        Çalışmalara Marka ve İletişim Grup Yöneticisi Ayşen Uz yönetiminde başlayan Kaleseramik, bayi sahipleri tarafında herhangi bir rahatsızlık yaratmadan, tüm satış temsilcileri tarafından aktif biçimde kullanılacak, kurum kültürü ve marka değerine olumlu katkıda bulunacak bir uygulama yaratmak için çok titiz çalışmalar içine girdi. Profesyonel danışmanların desteği ve satış temsilcilerinden oluşan fokus grupları çalışmaları doğrultusunda, satış kulübü içeriği belirlendi. Çağrı merkezi yardımıyla tüm satış temsilcileri ile görüşülerek profiller tanımlandı. Çok farklı ve detaylı soruların cevaplarına bakılarak, en doğru tasarım yapılmaya çalışıldı.

                        Sonuç itibariyle satış kulübünün ön yüzü olarak bir portal kullanılmasına karar verildi. Portalden alınacak satış temsilci profili, her türlü satış aktivitesi, iş akışları tasarım ve denetimi, ödül puan toplama ve ödül programını yürütmek için ise Microsoft Dynamics CRM alt yapısı uygun görüldü.

                        Sadece satış temsilcilerinin girebildiği, KaleWorks adı ile geliştirilen portal uygulaması; her kullanıcının kendisine ait profil bilgilerini girmesine, temsilcilerin birbirleriyle iletişime geçebilmesine, anlık mesajlaşma fonksiyonları ile hızlı bilgi edinmelerine, performans ve gerçekleştirdikleri aktivite ve satışları kaydetmelerine yarayan teknoloji hizmetini sundu.

                        Satış temsilcilerini belli hedef ve davranış biçimlerine yöneltmek için ödül programı devreye alındı. Portali etkin kullanmak, online eğitimleri almak, değerlendirme sınavlarına girmek, diğer satış temsilcileri ile birlikte düzenlenen etkinliklere katılmak, mesaj panosunu kullanmak gibi davranışlar için farklı puanlar belirlendikten sonra, istenen bu davranış biçimlerini gerçekleştirdiğinde satış temsilcilerinin puan kazanması sağlandı. Microsoft Dynamics CRM'de saklanan puanlar ile istedikleri hediyeyi seçebilecekleri hediye kataloğu oluşturuldu.

                        Ayrıca satış temsilcilerine, güncel bilgileri içeren dokümanları okumaları karşılığında da puan kazandırarak, seçebilecekleri hediye seviyesini yükseltme şansı verildi. Böylece ürün tanıtımları, kampanyalar, pazara verilmek istenen mesajlar konusunda satış temsilcilerinin sürekli güncel kalması teşvik edildi.

                        Günlük portalden ilan edilen duyurular ile belli ürünlerde yapılacak ilk satışlara sürpriz hediyelerde veriliyor. Böylece satış temsilcilerinin belli amaçlara çabuk odaklanmaları sağlanabiliyor. Ayrıca bu sürpriz kampanyaları öğrenmek için güne portale girerek başlayan temsilciler, güncellenen bilgilerden de hemen haberdar oluyor.

                        Ayrıca ayın satış elemanlarının da bu portalden açıklanması bireysel motivasyonu sağlarken, satış temsilcilerinin birbirlerini tanıması açısından da faydalı oluyor.


                        Satış Temsilcileri İle Uzun Vadeli Birliktelik
                        Kaleseramik, kendileri için çok stratejik öneme sahip olan, müşterilerle direk temasta bulunan satış temsilcilerini daha yakından tanımaya başladı. Satış temsilcilerinin performanslarını izleyerek, kariyer hedeflerini belirlemeleri ve bu hedefe doğru ilerlemeleri için gerekli desteği sağladı. Ürünler ve müşteriler konusunda deneyim sahibi olan temsilcileri tanıyarak, bu temsilcilerin Kaleseramik ekosistemi içinde kalmaları için gerekli araçlara sahip oldu. Microsoft Dynamics CRM içinde tutulan kayıt ve aktiviteleri ile başarılı temsilcilerin performans özgeçmişlerini belgeleyerek, bireysel gelişim programları oluşturulmasına olanak sağladı.

                        Kişiye Özel Eğitim
                        Performans ile ön plana çıkan satış temsilcileri için bireysel hedefler ve eğitim planları yapılmaya başlandı. Bu planlara paralel olarak, satış temsilcileri için kişisel eşik değerleri belirlenmeye başlandı. Hatta bu eşik değerlerin aşılması için kişisel kampanyalar bile düzenlendi. Böylece kişisel eşik değerlerini aşan temsilcilerin motivasyonunun artması ve daha büyük hedeflere yönlendirilmeleri sağlandı.

                        Tüm Ekosistemi Tek Hedefe Yöneltmek
                        Kaleseramik, bu proje öncesinde doğrudan bayilerini ve nihai müşterileri hedefleyen kampanya tanıtımları yapmaktaydı. Ancak bu tanıtımlarda satış temsilcilerinin performansına yönelik bir aksiyona girilmiyordu. Satış kulübü portali sayesinde, bu bilgi ve duyuruları direk temsilcilere ulaştırabiliyorlar. Her okunan dokümandan ve sonrasında isteğe bağlı alabilecekleri kısa testlerden puan kazanan temsilciler, bilgilere doğrudan ve eksiksiz ulaşarak daha yetkin hale geliyor.

                        Ayrıca merkez tarafından yönetilen aktivite takvimi ile önemli günler hatırlatılarak, temsilcilerin gerekli aktiviteleri yapması sağlanıyor. Örneğin Mimarlar Haftası yaklaştığında, portal üzerinden tüm satış temsilcilerine çalıştıkları mimarlar için bir kutlama mesajı göndermeleri tavsiye ediliyor ya da bölgelerinde açılacak olan bir fuar varsa katılım için gerekli işlemlere başlamaları hatırlatılıyor.

                        Objektif Değerlendirme
                        Satış temsilcilerinin satış performansları ve satış kulübündeki aktiviteleri kadar, müşteri ile olan ilişkileri de ölçümleniyor. Eğer nihai müşterilerden bir şikayet ya da teşekkür gelirse bu şikayetler CRM'de kişi kartına ekleniyor. Kısa vadede, gölge müşteri uygulaması başlayıp temsilci performansı yerinde gözlemlenerek, performans ölçümlemesine girdi oluşturulacak.

                        www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics İş Ortağı

                        13 Nisan 2010 Salı

                        Microsoft Business Intelligence

                        Business Intelligence for Your Role
                        it Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions build on your existing technology investments to help employees gain access to accurate, up-to-date information for better, more relevant decisionmaking.
                        Through role-based dashboards that work within the familiar, easy-to-use Microsoft Office environment, people get the information they need, when they need it – reducing training time, increasing productivity, and improving profitability across the enterprise.
                        Improve Performance Management
                        Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions allow you to leverage your existing technology investments to enable your IT staff to gain insight beyond the event logs and performance counters – helping staff identify root causes behind events and make course corrections that improve performance.
                        Microsoft Business Intelligence empowers IT staff to:
                          - Go beyond canned operational reports with integrated, interactive performance dashboards, comprehensive scorecards, and powerful analytics all built on Microsoft platform components.
                          - Aggregate seemingly disparate metrics into a single overall performance scorecard.
                          - With Managed self-service Business Intelligence, empower users to create their own ad-hoc reports using familiar, easy-to-use tools they already know.
                          - Identify patterns and exceptions with data trending.
                          - Understand performance issues such as capacity spikes or downtime with greater event detail.
                          - Rely on a robust security model that provides data security starting at web sites and dashboards, all the way down to cell-level detail.
                          - Deploy IT staff more efficiently.
                        Stay in Control of Profitability
                        Today’s financial professional needs integrated, accurate information to go beyond producing monthly reports and quarterly financial statements.
                        Microsoft Business Intelligence empowers Financial staff to:
                          - Gain visibility into the entire organization’s performance through familiar, easy-to-use dashboards that monitor key financial metrics.
                          - With an integrated, unified, trusted data platform, ensure data quality and create reports with numbers people can count on.
                          - Get up to speed quickly and spend less time on training by relying on tools you already know and use every day, such as Microsoft Excel.
                          - Minimize manual financial processes and reduce errors in spreadsheets.
                          - Enable organizational transparency to meet compliance requirements.
                        Empower process improvements
                        Operations managers need unified, accurate, up-to-date information to track inventory, analyze shipping costs, and resolve production problems quickly and efficiently.
                        With Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions, Operations managers are empowered to:
                          - Monitor and improve operational performance by consolidating data across multiple information sources.
                          - Gain visibility up and down the supply chain, across multiple locations and time zones.
                          - Support quality initiatives such as Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma.
                          - Accurately forecast demand and spot trends to align resources more effectively.
                          - Measure and manage vendor performance.
                          - Analyze returns, exchanges, new orders, cancellations, raw materials and distribution costs.
                          - Optimize transportation methods by analyzing packing data and weights.
                          - Identify inefficient processes in production, customer service, and order processing. Get up to speed quickly and spend less time on training by relying on tools you already know and use every day, such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook.
                        Capitalize on Sales Opportunities
                        Today’s sales team needs unified, accurate, up-to-date information to analyze sales forecasts, targets, quotas and customer buying patterns, and promotions—to drive sales growth.

                        Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions empower sales professionals to:
                          - Gain visibility into the sales pipeline sooner through familiar, easy-to-use dashboards and scorecards that track performance and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).
                          - Analyze sales data and trends to identify issues and implement solutions that help meet sales quotas by target dates.
                          - Make accurate forecasts about future sales and get ahead of the next sales cycle.
                          - Understand and predict customer buying patterns to boost profitability.
                          - Analyze purchasing history to identify the best qualified sales prospects to increase effectiveness and productivity.
                          - Identify and capitalize on new sales opportunities in a fast-moving competitive environment.

                        8 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

                        Microsoft Business Intelligence - Video

                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Business Intelligence Solutions

                        Microsoft Business Intelligence - BI


                        Microsoft leads the industry in business intelligence solutions
                        Microsoft business intelligence solutions are scalable and designed to evolve with your business. With continuous innovation since initial release, Microsoft business intelligence solutions are built on open, industry-wide standards – making integration with your other systems easier and less costly than the alternatives.
                        BI Benefits Improve organizational effectiveness Microsoft business intelligence enables you to create and manage information through an integrated system that includes core business productivity features, such as collaboration tools, search capabilities, and content management.
                        The workplace becomes highly efficient, resulting in cost savings and low total cost of ownership (TCO).

                        Enable IT efficiency while reducing costs With Microsoft business intelligence, you can cut costs and reduce complexity by leveraging existing IT investments to extend the reach of technology you already own.
                        Because Microsoft Excel, SQL Server and SharePoint are integrated and inter-operable, you can rely on your existing IT resources and skill sets for faster implementation and lower total cost of ownership.
                        BI In Action Accurate, integrated data empowers success at Northumbria University
                        Stakeholders at Northumbria University use Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions to gain access to near real-time, streaming reports to support effective decision-making.
                        "Within one year the team was able to launch the full decision support system, a user friendly web-based portal, called Northumbria World. It includes dashboards, scorecards, KPIs and advanced drill-down capabilities. We almost surprised ourselves with the rather quick and smooth implementation process -- it really exceeded expectations every step of the way."
                        Eugene McCrossan, Financial Planning Director for Northumbria
                        Conceptus Achieves Effective, Integrated Solution at Half the Cost Conceptus deployed Microsoft business intelligence solutions to achieve increased visibility into key data and trends at half the cost of a competitor.
                        "By choosing Microsoft, we gained an effective BI solution at half the cost of an alternative. We were able to use our existing CRM and ERP systems and our existing data warehouse for building the OLAP cubes."
                        Jeff Letasse, Vice President of Information Technology and Business Systems for Conceptus
                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics ERP and Business Intelligence

                        Scopri i prodotti della Business Intelligence

                        Business Intelligence
                        Come Funziona la Business Intelligence

                        Una soluzione di Business Intelligence efficace e integrata può migliorare il business guidando il processo decisionale di tutta l'azienda. Per far fede a questa promessa deve essere progettata adattandosi alle esigenze di ogni utente e deve avere la flessibilità necessaria per accogliere tutte le informazioni strutturate e non strutturate che l'azienda utilizza giorno per giorno.

                        È necessario un metodo per riunire e organizzare tutte le informazioni a disposizione, sia che provengano da e-mail o internet, sia che provengano da una fonte aziendale, una conversazione o altro. Con queste caratteristiche, oltre a SQL Server, avrete una gamma completa di funzionalità, tra cui reporting avanzato, integrazione e strumenti di analisi che consentono di adottare un look ancora più incisivo per il vostro business.

                        Microsoft offre una gamma completa di soluzioni di Business Intelligence che lavorano insieme per formare una completa, sinergica soluzione che ti aiuti a guidare la tua attività.

                        Fast 1: Dati di qualità
                        Una solida soluzione di Business Intelligence è esattamente il dato sul quale le persone fanno affidamento per le proprie scelte di business. SQL Server può riunire tutti i dati, ovunque risiedano. Noto per la sua potenza e la scalabilità, SQL Server offre un motore in grado di memorizzare grandi quantità di informazioni e supporta carichi elevati di query e clustering.

                        Fast 2: Strumenti per analisi approfondite
                        Gli utenti finali possono avere a disposizione risorse che li aiutino a prendere decisioni accurate e affidabili. Uno degli strumenti che molte persone già utilizzano, che conoscono e di cui si fidano è Microsoft Office Excel. Con la versione 2007, Microsoft ha effettuato importanti investimenti per la capacità di analizzare, visualizzare e interpretare i dati.

                        Le nuove funzionalità includono:
                          Microsoft Office Excel 2007 è stato significativamente migliorato. L'ambiente di analisi con cui gli utenti hanno familiarità ora permette di accedere a più informazioni, funzionalità di analisi più potenti e facili da usare e una semplice connessione ai dati in SQL Server 2008 in un modo più sicuro, intuitivo e gestito.
                          Excel Services offre un nuovo componente che consente la pubblicazione delle analisi e delle informazioni ottenute in Excel. Con Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, gli utenti possono eseguire la pubblicazione sul Web, in una rete Extranet o Intranet. Questo livello di integrazione e percorsi affidabili aiutano a mantenere l'integrità delle origini dati e assicurano l'uniformità dei dati.
                        I Risultati
                        Gli individui hanno accesso a dati di qualità superiore. Possono prendere migliori decisioni e avere la certezza che le loro decisioni siano allineate agli obiettivi aziendali. Le soluzioni Microsoft per la Business Intelligence supportano qualsiasi ambiente aziendale, dalle piccole imprese alle grandi organizzazioni. Crescono con l'espansione delle organizzazioni e rappresentano un piccolo investimento con un grande rendimento, offrendo la certezza di contribuire ad ampliare le attività di business.

                        Data Warehousing
                        Troppe organizzazioni non dispongono degli strumenti per integrare, archiviare e accedere in modo efficace ai propri dati. Spesso questo accade perché i dati risiedono i diversi sistemi e mancano di uniformità, rendendo difficile per il personale accedere ai dati per ottenere informazioni significative. Le soluzioni Microsoft per la Business Intelligence possono aiutare a cambiare questa situazione perché offrono una piattaforma di data warehousing scalabile e di fascia enterprise che aiuta a estendere il valore dei dati.
                        Il data warehousing è essenziale per rendere accessibili i dati aziendali tramite un'origine dati integrata, gestita in modo centrale e affidabile. Le soluzioni Microsoft per la Business Intelligence offrono le consolidate funzionalità di Microsoft SQL Server 2008 e SQL Server 2008 Integration Services che permettono di creare e gestire con facilità data warehouse scalabili, in grado di soddisfare le esigenze anche delle organizzazioni più grandi e complesse.

                        Reportistica e Analisi
                        La tua organizzazione raccoglie una grande quantità di dati. Gestirli in modo che tutti accedano alle informazioni giuste al momento giusto è un problema costante. Inoltre, una volta che le persone hanno a disposizione tali dati e informazioni, un problema ancora più grande è aiutarle a farne uso per prendere decisioni migliori. Oltre a un ambiente che consente di collaborare, cercare e gestire dati e documenti, le soluzioni Microsoft per la Business Intelligence offrono strumenti di reporting e analisi che permettono di trasformare raccolte di dati in informazioni significative.

                        Le soluzioni Microsoft per la Business Intelligence offrono strumenti di reporting, strumenti di analisi e tecnologie in grado di soddisfare le specifiche esigenze delle organizzazioni. È possibile lavorare con le funzionalità ampiamente utilizzate, e oggi migliorate, di Microsoft Office Excel 2007, SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services, Report Builder, ProClarity Analytics e data mining. Inoltre, per condividere le informazioni con gli altri, le soluzioni Microsoft utilizzano sia le funzionalità per la Business Intelligence integrate in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 che le sue caratteristiche di collaborazione, ricerca e gestione dei documenti. Le soluzioni Microsoft per la Business Intelligence offrono strumenti economici e facili da usare che aiutano ad accedere, comunicare, analizzare e condividere le informazioni a tutti i livelli dell'organizzazione.

                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics ERP Global Partner

                        5 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi

                        Microsoft Dynamics CRM

                        CH2M Hill president and EVP Mark Lasswell talks about CH2M Hill's selection of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This video illustrates CH2M Hill's business drivers and highlights the cost-effectiveness of Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs. Salesforce.com. Join and see why CH2M Hill projected that Microsoft Dynamics CRM would cost CH2M Hill a fraction - only 25% - of Salesforce.com.

                        http://www.pargesoft.com/ Microsoft Dynamics CRM Global Partner